How to talk to ghosts
One of the funniest and most interesting ways that Phasmophobia mixes up horror gameplay is to lean heavily on your voice. Communication with other players is limited and built into the gameplay, and this all plays a role in ghosts as well. Ghosts are always listening and whenever you speak in the game they can be triggered or respond to what has been said. Make sure your microphone settings are all correct and that you have tested it in the in-game options menu. Once all of this is working, you can talk to ghosts just by speaking normally in the game.
What to say and what questions to ask
They are always listening, but generally react to the following, no matter what you do or use.
Anyone with us?
Anyone in the room?
Someone here?
Are you a kid?
Are you old / young?
Are you male or female?
Are you a woman?
Are you a girl / a boy?
Are you male / female?
Are you here?
Are you with us?
Is-your proche?
Are you angry?
Are you friendly?
Can you talk to us?
Can you give me your name?
Do you want to hurt us?
Do you want us here?
Give us a sign.
How old / young are you?
Is there a spirit here?
Is there a ghost here?
Let us know you are here.
Should we go?
Show yourself.
Talk to us.
What should we do?
What are you?
What do you want?
What are you?
What is your name / age / location / gender?
When were you born?
Who is it?
Who are we talking to?
Who am I talking to?
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Shouting them out in the dark can trigger reactions such as turning lights on and off, power outage, or something moving. But if you need to identify the ghost using the spirit box or the Ouija board, you will need different questions. Here are a few examples.
Spirit Box and Ouija Board - What questions to ask
When using the Spirit Box, simply start it by right clicking or pressing the left trigger of the controller. Make sure the lights are out (unlike my photo above which was just so it wasn't an all black image) and that you probably want to be alone. Then once the static starts and the frequency changes, you can use some of these statements and questions to see if they answer.
Are there ghosts?
Are you happy?
Are you here all the time?
Are you male / female?
Are you the only one here?
Are you waiting
Can I ask you a question?
Can we talk?
Can you make a sound?
Can you talk to us?
Can you talk?
Do something.
Do you know who we are?
Do you want us to go?
Give us a sign.
Is there anyone here?
Is there anyone with me?
Is there anything I can do?
Is this your home?
Hit something.
Let us know you are here.
Makes some noise.
Make a sound.
Can I ask you?
Open a door.
Open the door.
Open that door.
Show us.
Show us your presence.
Talk to me.
Talk to us.
Throw something.
Turn on / off the light.
We're friends.
We don't mean any harm to you.
We would love to talk to you.
Would you like to speak?
And here are some examples if you use the Ouija board instead
Are you old / young?
Are you alone / here / close?
Are we alone?
Are there any spirits?
Did you murder?
How old are you?
How long have you been here?
How long have you been dead?
How many are in this room?
How many ghosts are there in this room?
How many ghosts are there here?
When did you die
What's your room?
What is the name of the person you killed / murdered?
How old are you?
Where are you?
Who did you kill / assassinated?
Who is your victim?
Who is dead?
Who is here?
Who is in this room?
So this should give you a lot of choices on how to talk to ghosts, what to say, and what questions to ask in phasmophobia.