What and when is the Game Awards event in Pokémon GO
The Game Awards event will begin in Pokémon GO when the show begins at 16 p.m. PT on Thursday, December 10, 2020. While the show will only last a few hours, the event will run for a full day ending at 16 p.m. HP on Friday. , December 11. What are all the bonuses during this period? It might not be as big as other events, including the Kalos celebration which just ended, but there is some really good stuff on offer.
First off, Incense will get a boost to spawn more Pokémon as you sit on your couch to see if The Last of Us Part 2 wins any prizes. Catching these and any other Pokemon will also reward you with additional Stardust, although the exact amount has not been revealed, so we cannot say whether it has doubled or not. Additionally, Team GO Rocket grunts will appear at Poké Stops and balloons more often, so be sure to fight them and save their Shadow Pokémon. And once you do, you can quickly take the frustration out with a ChargedTM while the event lasts. Find out how to do this below.
How to remove frustration from a Shadow Pokémon
During the 24-hour The Game Awards event in Pokémon GO, you'll be able to use a ChargedTM to take the frustration out of any Shadow Pokémon you own. While purifying them does the same, replacing it with Return which can also be moved away, the Shadow form is more desirable for competitive play. They get an attack boost that makes even the weaker Shadow Pokémon more powerful than the strongest Purified Pokémon, if they are of equal CP. So you will definitely want to do this if you have any relevant meta Pokémon and spare TM Charged.
To do this, simply select the Shadow Pokémon and press the menu button at the bottom right. From there, select Items and tap on your TM Loads. You can also first open the Item menu and scroll to ChargedTM, then tap it to open the Pokémon menu and select which one to use it on. The game will confirm that he's about to remove the frustration and give him a new randomly charged attack, unless you're using an Elite ChargedTM which lets you choose it. Once you confirm, the frustration will be removed and a new charged attack will take its place.
Which Shadow Pokémon to remove frustration from
Depending on how many Charged TMs you have, you may need to be extra careful about which Shadow Pokémon you are removing Frustration from. Only a few are really relevant to PvP (GO Battle League) or PvE (raids, Team GO Rocket battles, etc.), so be sure to focus on them first. To help you out, here's a quick list of the best, including the best move you can replace Frustration with. Most will require an Elite ChargedTM, however, as they are exclusive for events. These are marked with an (E) in the list below. Even without Elite ChargedTM, you might want to remove Frustration so you can try to get the best set of moves later on.
- Metagross - Meteor Mash (E)
- Mewtwo - Psystrike (E)
- Swampert - Hydraulic gun (E)
- Salamence - Draco Meteor
- Moltres - Sky Attack (E)
- Zapdos - Pierce Peck or Thunderbolt
- Dragonite - Draco Meteor (E)
And that's our guide to The Game Awards event in Pokémon GO, including how to remove Frustration and which Pokémon to do it for.