How to remix in Dreams
To remix in Dreams, just press the button. remixer button next to play et thumbs up buttons. You'll immediately enter the editor and be able to make edits and explore the inner workings of whatever you've just remixed. The confusing part of the remix in Dreams, however, is that that button isn't always there. To understand why, we need to break down what each category of creation in Dreams is.
The creations in Dreams fall into three categories. Element are the smallest category, composed of singular elements such as a lamp or a chair. An element is only one thing, one model, one sound effect, one song and nothing more. Scenes are the next step, consisting of a group of elements joined together to create a larger space. The scenes are made up of smaller elements and some examples of scenes are level 1 from a game, a scene from a short film, or a still life artwork. Dreams are the greatest form of creation. All a Dream is a map of scenes that indicates the Fallen in which they are played. It is a chain that connects several levels of a game, for example, or several scenes of a short film. There is Collections also, indicated by a dotted circle, but these are just groups of items, scenes, and dreams curated and organized by another player.
So, to recap, the creative hierarchy is Element < Scene < Dream. You can tell which is which by looking at the form of the published creation. Hexagons are elements, circles are scenes, and rectangles are dreams. Only published dreams appear in Dream surf, while all is well for Shaping the dream. Only clips and scenes can be remixed. Full dreams cannot be remixed, although their individual scenes can be if the author allows it.
To put that in perspective, you wouldn't be able to remix the entirety of Super Mario 64 (Dream), but you could remix Bob-Omb Battlefield (Scene) and the Goombas (Elements). Even then, a creator can choose to make their scene non-remixable, as if an artist wanted to protect their still life, but all elements must be remixable no matter what. If you see a single template, piece of music, or a little bit of logic that you really like, you can use that.
Hopefully this guide clarifies the remix mechanic in Dreams for PS4 somewhat. It's still a confusing system and it's not explained very well in the game, but it seems to be the gist of how it works.