Sinnoh Collection Challenge Guide
The Sinnoh Collection Challenge will run for five days in Pokémon GO. It starts on Tuesday January 12 at 10 a.m. local time and ends on Sunday January 17 at 20 p.m. During these days, Pokémon from the Sinnoh region will be more present in the wild. A selection will appear much more frequently, and just like with Unova, there is a timed search for the collection challenge to be completed by catching them all.
To complete the Sinnoh Collection Challenge in Pokémon GO, you need to catch the following during the event hours.
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Buizel
- Warp
- Shadow Stunky
- Snover de l'ombre
- Cranidos
- Shieldon
Rewards: 3000 Stardust, 1 Magnetic Lure Module and 15 Ultra Bullets plus a badge for your Elite Collectible Medal
Many of them will be easily found in the wild, while others require additional work. To explain them all, we've broken them down below.
How to catch Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, and Combee
Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup will all be fairly readily available in the wild during the Sinnoh Collection Challenge. To get them, you should just be able to play the game fairly normally and tick those boxes. However, if you are struggling for whatever reason, you can opt for field research tasks. Completing the Pokémon Power up task 4 times will reward one of them, giving you a XNUMX/XNUMX chance of which one you need.
How to catch Buizel
Buizel is also expected to be available in the wild, but might not be as common as the ones above. However, there are a few things that make it unique. Buizel will be available in Brilliant form for the first time, so be sure to check out those that appear in the wild to see if you've been lucky. If you don't see any spawns near you, you can hatch 5km Eggs you received during the event, or complete the Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts Field Research to get one.
How to catch Shadow Stunky and Shadow Snover
This is only the second Collectible Challenge in Pokémon GO, and yet we are already setting new precedents. The inclusion of Shadow Pokémon is an interesting choice and adds a lot of difficulty to the challenge of the Sinnoh collection. The only way to get them is by defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts, so watch out for black balloons or Poké Stops as you play. Team GO Rocket balloons appear every six hours starting at midnight. If this is your first time starting the game in that six hour window, be sure to zoom out and look for the tooltip. If the Grunt has Stunky or Snover, defeat and grab him to complete this part of the challenge.
How to catch Cranidos and Shieldon
These two deserve special attention as not many players will likely see them in the wild. You might be lucky, but I wouldn't count on it. Instead, you can try to get a Win 2 Raids Field Research task and complete it to get one or the other. Or you can hatch from 5 km eggs that you received in the Sinnoh Collection Challenge event. These can contain Shieldon, but not Cranidos, so it's only useful if that's the one you need.
And here's our Sinnoh Collection Challenge guide for Pokémon GO, which gives you tips on how to catch them all and what the rewards are if you do.