Pokémon GO Kanto Celebration Timed Research Guide
Here are all the tasks and rewards for the Pokémon GO Kanto Celebration Event. The quest will begin on Sunday, February 21 at 9 a.m. local time. You then have a few days to complete it, with the search expiring on Saturday, February 27 at 20 p.m. local time. Make sure you complete all tasks by this date if you want to receive the final rewards. Check them all out below.
Step 1 of 4
- Power up Pokémon 5 times - An encounter with the paras
- Transfer 6 Pokémon - an encounter with Geodude
- Catch 20 Pokémon - An Encounter With Rhyhorn
Rewards: One Onix encounter, 3 Razz Berry and 40 Venusaur Mega Energy
Step 2 of 4
- Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts - an encounter with Ekans
- Catch 2 Shadow Pokémon - An encounter with Drowzee
- Catch 20 Pokémon - An Encounter With Koffing
Rewards: An encounter with Grimer, 1000 XP and 40 Charizard Mega Energy
Step 3 of 4
- Take a snapshot of a Water-type Pokémon - an encounter with Staryu
- Catch 20 Water-type Pokémon - A Shellder encounter
- Catch 25 Pokémon - One Tentacool Encounter
Rewards: an Omanyte encounter, 3 Pinap Berry and 40 Blastoise Mega Energy
Step 4 of 4
- Power up Pokémon 10 times - an encounter with Porygon
- Send 3 gifts to friends - a meeting with Jynx
- Catch 25 Pokémon - One Eevee Encounter
Rewards: an Aerodactyl encounter, 2500 XP and 1 rare candy
And those are all the tasks and rewards for the Pokémon GO Kanto Celebration Event.