Is the “Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap…” post worth it?
As of this writing, the ticket was not available in the Pokémon GO store, but likely will be soon. The event will take place next weekend, from Saturday December 19 at 10 a.m. until Sunday at 20 p.m. all at your local time. The ticket will be purchasable before that and until the end of the event. All you have to do to get the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap… Special Research is to make sure that you purchase the ticket and open the game during the event window to activate it.
But should you buy the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap… Special Research ticket? Unlike many other event tickets in Pokémon GO, this one is a bit tricky. Tickets for the community day are usually only $ 1, which makes it a safe bet, but this one costs $ 8 or your local equivalent. It's quite expensive for something that doesn't focus on a legendary or mythical Pokemon. To help you out, we already have a good idea of what rewards you will receive from Special Research.
Things can and probably will change, but at a minimum, we would expect players who have the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap… Special Research ticket to receive the following rewards…
- 3 premium combat passes
- 3 super incubators
- 3 rare candies
- 1 Poffino
- 2 ice lures
- 3 incense
- 3 star pieces
- 30 Ultra balls
- 1 exclusive training pose
- Meetings with Alolan Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Whismur, Chimecho, Snorunt, Lapras, Woobat and Cubchoo
- A meeting with Mr. Galarian Mime (with enough Candy to evolve into Mr. Rime)
The latter is the big selling point, but if you look at all of these rewards and add up their Poké Coin value, it certainly looks like the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap… Special Research ticket is worth it. However, you should really think about this one as many of these can be obtained more easily and sometimes for free. And Galarian's big headliner Mr. Mime will certainly be available through other methods some time later.
In fact, most players will be upset to only get one as you often need more to get good IVs or some players like to have both male and female forms. So with the price higher than normal, with the event offering less big rewards, it feels like if you were going to skip a paid ticket event in Pokémon GO, that would be it.
However, if the items listed above are useful to you and you find yourself buying them often, and you would like to be among the first in the world to have a Galarian Mr. Mime, and possibly a Mr. Rime, then the ticket probably worth it for you. While previous events have been easier to sell, this one is hard to justify without doing the math based on your personal needs and availability during event hours.
So this is our best explanation for the Tap… Tap… Tappity-Tap… ticket which is worth it in Pokémon GO. It is up to your own judgment, but I hope it has helped you enough. And come back for the full tasks and rewards once everything is confirmed.