Is the Stop and Smell ticket worth buying
Costing just $ 1 and offering tons of rewards, each Community Day ticket offered a lot for the low cost of entry. But for players who like to stay "free," that dollar can look like a million. So the monthly ritual is to go through the rewards and determine if it's worth buying or not. Most of the time it really depends on your availability during the event and what you are looking for in the special search.
Currently, we don't know the exact rewards, but based on trends from previous Community Day events, we can speculate on what they will be. Looking at the latest CD tickets, players received dozens of Poké Balls, lots of Roselia Candy, thousands of Stardust and XP, a bunch of Berries and Rare Candy, Incense, Poffin, Rocket Radar, and meetings with Roselia and Roserade.
It might not seem like a lot when you just read it, but it easily adds up to over a dollar of articles, if they are useful to you. The Rocket Radar is especially useful during the Team GO Rocket Celebration event, which ends Sunday, February 7 at 20 p.m. ET. So, if you participate in this (and our guess is correct), the Stop and Smell the Roselia ticket simply increases your chances of completing its special research.
How to buy the Stop and Smell the Roselia ticket
Of course, many players already have their Roselia Community Day ticket since purchasing the Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto ticket. If you bought it in advance, you should already have the ticket at the start of Roselia Community Day. Just be patient and it will activate when the event kicks off at 11am on February 7th.
If you did not receive the Kanto ticket, you will be able to purchase the CD Roselia ticket as soon as it appears in the store. Come back Thursday, Friday, or Saturday and it should be available in the in-game store. Purchase it and then wait for the event to start to receive the Special Research Quest.
And this is our response: "Is the Stop and Smell the Roselia ticket worth it". Hope this helps break down the many factors involved, so check back during the event to see what the full tasks and rewards are.