What is Team GO Rocket? The new incarnation of the Pokémon Thieves has landed in and new leaders are everywhere. By fighting the classic grunts - they naturally appear everywhere - you can find HQs and fight with one of GO Rocket's new leaders. Better yet, you can work with your community to experience GO Rocket HQs. When you discover one, everyone in the area can check it out.
Finding Giovanni himself is actually quite complicated. So let's go over what you need to know in detail in the full guide below.
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How to fight Team GO rocket leader Giovanni
To fight the big boss of Team GO Rocket, you will have to complete four stages. Each step involves two major additions to - Chef's Hideouts et Rocket Radar. Here's the quick summary.
- Defeat the Rocket Grunts team to get mysterious components and locate Leader Hideouts to unlock the rocket radar.
- Equip rocket radar to fight rocket bosses at invaded Pokestops.
- Defeat the Grumpies and Bosses to complete the “Looming in the Shadows” special research to get the Super Rocket Radar.
- Use Super Rocket Radar to find Giovanni and defeat him.
Each step is a little more complicated than this one, so break it down and I'll walk you through how the system works.
Defeating Giovanni can give you a chance to catch a Legendary Shadow Pokémon! The leaders all have more Rare Shadow Pokémon it's worth looking for them even if you don't want to deal with Giovanni.
How to fight Team GO rocket leaders
Before you can find Giovanni, you must defeat the Team Go rocket leaders. This is one of the steps for "Looming in the Shadows", the special research you must complete to find Giovanni.
To take on the Team GO rocket bosses, explore the map and meet Rocket Grunts during the Pokestops invasion. Defeat the Grunts will win you Mysterious components - 6 Mysterious Components craft the Rocket Radar.
Equip the Rocket Radar and follow it to a Chiefs' Lair. Leader lairs appear randomly on Pokestops and are only visible when Rocket Radar is equipped. Press the Rocket Radar button below your radar to reveal the chef's hideout locations on your map.
Rocket Leaders have rare and rare Shadow Pokémon, and like normal Grunts, you can catch the Shadow Pokémon after the Trainer Battle is over.
How to fight Giovanni
To face Giovanni, the leader of the GO Rocket team, you will need to complete the special research program "Looming in the Shadows". This option is only available if you have completed the special search "A Situation of Concern". Complete a research stage to earn the Super rocket radar.
Now you can equip the Super Rocket Radar and start hunting Giovanni! It's slippery - you'll likely encounter grunts disguised as a real boss. Keep fighting fakes to eventually meet the real Giovanni.
Giovanni still has a Legendary Shadow Pokémon, so defeating it in battle can net you a supremely powerful (and rare!) Pokémon. It is worth all the problems.
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