Before getting into battle tips, it's important to understand exactly how the new Team Rocket Leader system works. When you defeat the standard Team Rocket Grunts, they can drop a special item called Mysterious Components. Get six to build a unique item called Rocket Radar. When equipped, this item will locate invaded Pokestops that have secretly transformed into Leader Hideouts. This is where you will find these tough opponents.
How To Beat Team Rocket Leaders | Trainer's Combat Guide
The leaders of Team Rocket - Cliff, Sierra, and Arlo - are tough opponents to beat and require a lot of CP. But CP isn't the only thing you need to take down these enemies. You'll want to change your strategy and take advantage of the Pokémon counters to win.
Here's a quick recap on how to fight Rocket Team Leaders.
- Find the invaded Pokestops and defeat the GO Team Rocket Grunts to earn Mysterious Components.
- Collect 6 Mysterious Components to create Rocket Radar - you can build more or buy more from the Item Shop.
- Equip Rocket Radar to find the hideouts of random Team GO Rocket Leaders in Pokestops.
Rocket Radar will only be consumed after defeating a Rocket Leader. You are therefore free to fight this same leader as long as he is available there.
General tips for fighting team rocket leaders
It is important to select Pokémon based on their toughness. High Defense Pokémon that can survive attacks, and Pokémon with high defense against your opponent are absolutely necessary. Don't just select theadvisable'Team!
In general, I recommend a team of Pokémon with 3 000 à 3 500 shares. Stop looking for your most powerful Pokémon. If they can't absorb the damage, they won't be useful. Choose Pokémon based on its survivability. You'll want to focus less on fast movement damage and more on energy production. Generate a lot of energy and dissipate real damage with Charge Moves.
Don't worry if your Pokémon can't deal damage. Generating energy is the most important thing, and the more energy you generate, the faster you will end each encounter. It is especially important to have a good beginner Pokémon so as not to waste its shields. It also helps trap enemy shields so they don't attack you.
Counters for each rocket leader
Each Rocket Leader can have one of three Pokémon in each slot. Below, we're going to list all the possible Pokémon on each rocket leader's team. Rocket Leaders will continue to use the same Pokémon after an encounter, so you can reschedule your strategy after the first battle.
- Rocket Leader Cliff
- #1: Meowth
- # 2: Sandslash | Flygon | Ronflex
- # 3: Tyranitar | Infernape | Torterra
- Arlo rocket
- #1: Scyther
- # 2: Gyarados | Crobat | Magnezone
- # 3: Scizor | Charizard | Dragonite
- Rocket Leader Sierra
- #1: Sneasel
- # 2: Lapras | Sableye | Hypno
- # 3: Dragonite | Houndoom | Gardevoir
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