When is the Pokémon GO HOME timed search available?
The Pokémon GO HOME event begins Tuesday, November 17 at 8 a.m. local time. It will last until November 23 at 22 p.m., and the timed search will also adhere to that schedule. That gives you five full days to complete it, which should be enough time. It's not the hardest research the game has thrown at players, and the rewards aren't great either, so don't worry if you're busy and can't get the time. everyone starts having access to the Pokémon GO HOME timed research and reports milestones and rewards. We've listed them below and will update them as more are revealed, but it's clear that there are only four stages, including the final 'claim' stages.
Pokémon GO HOME Timed Research Stages and Rewards
Step 1
Transfer 5 Poké mon - 10 Poké Balls
Use 10 berries to help catch Pokémon - meet Nidoran (female)
Catch 10 Pokémon - 3 Razz Berry
Rewards - 20 Mega Pidgeot Energy, meet Slowpoke and 500 Stardust
Step 2
Evolve 3 Pokémon - 20 Poké Balls
Use 15 berries to help catch Pokémon - meet Nidoran (male)
Catch 20 Pokémon - 3 Pinap Berry
Rewards - 30 Mega Pidgeot Energy, encounter with Ponyta and 1000 Stardust
Step 3
Catch 10 different species of Pokémon - 15 large balls
Win 2 Raids - Meet Litwick
Catch 30 Poké Mon - Slowpoke Encounter
Rewards - 50 Mega Pidgeot Energy, Gible encounter and 1000 Stardust
Step 4
Claim Reward - 10 Mega Pidgeot Energy
Claim Reward - 10 Mega Pidgeot Energy
Claim Reward - 10 Mega Pidgeot Energy
Rewards - 30 Mega Pidgeot Energy, Gible encounter and 1000 Stardust
So here's our Pokémon GO HOME timed search guide, which shows you how to complete it, all the stages, and the event rewards.