Pokémon Trade Evolution work a little differently than in the main games. Normally the only way to evolve some Pokémon is to trade them. For example, Spectrum can only evolve into Ectoplasma in the main games if you trade Spectrum. This is not how Pokémon GO works - instead, you can always evolve your Pokémon using the standard method; spend candy. Trade evolutions simply reduce the cost of candy to 0.
Fundamentally, Business developments are not necessary. They are just a really handy way to save you candy.
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Guide to Business Developments | List of all commercial Pokémon
Trading works differently in - you can't trade long distances, so you will need to be physically close your friend to exchange. Two trainers can exchange if you are mutual friends. To trade, you (and your trading partner) must be Level 10 or higher.
- When you are close to your friend - you must be close physically, you will not be able to do business on the Internet - access the Friends tab.
- On your Friends list, tap the friend you want to chat with.
- Tap Trade to open the trading menu. From there you can trade Pokémon. A menu will appear with all of your current Pokémon.
Trading Pokémon Can Really Earn You bonus candy. You'll earn more candy based on how far you've traveled from where a Pokémon was caught and where a Pokémon was traded. If you travel a lot, be sure to stop by and trade in a few Pokémon when you're in a new location!
Trading costs Stardust - and some Pokémon may cost more to trade. Legendary Pokémon, Pokémon you haven't caught yet, Shiny Pokémon, and Special Forms of Pokémon are all considered special. Therefore, they cost more stardust to trade.
List of commercial developments
The evolution of Pokemon through trading is a little different. First of all, you have to remember that Pokémon can only be traded once. Pokémon can also evolve no matter what - trading is not necessary to evolve Pokemon. Fair Trade Evolutions remove the candy requirement to evolve. Pokémon eligible for Trade evolutions cost 0 candies to evolve after being traded.
- Cadabra
- Machopeur
- Spectrum
- Gravalanch
- Geolith
- Open
- Snail
- Carabing