Field Research Tasks and Awards - February 2021
With most tasks, the reward is displayed directly on the screen, so this guide will only focus on the Pokémon and Mega Energy that you will receive when you see an encounter as a reward. We've broken them down by the task itself to try and make it easier to find the one you want. And when the reward can offer a Shiny Pokémon, we mark it with (S). Events may offer their own field research as well, so watch the separate guides for that. There is currently the Team GO Rocket Celebration event, but more will take place in February 2021.
Catch tasks
- Attrapez 5 Pokémon – Bulbasaur (S), Charmander (S), Squirtle (S)
- Catch 10 Pokémon - Magikarp (S)
- Catch 5 Pokémon with Weather Boost - Poliwag (S), Vulpix (S)
- Catch 9 Pokémon with Weather Boost - Snivy (S), Tepig (S), Oshawott (S)
- Use 5 berries to help catch Pokémon - Teddiursa (S)
- Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon - Dratini (S)
Start tasks
- Make 5 Nice Throws - Voltorb (S)
- Make 3 big throws - Gastly (S), Anorith (S), Lileep (S)
- Make 3 big throws in a row - Onix (S)
- Make 5 great Curveball shots in a row - Spinda # 1 (S)
- Make 3 excellent throws in a row - Gible (S)
Win / defeat tasks
- Win a level 3 or higher raid - Kabuto (S), Omanyte (S)
- Win 5 Raids - Aerodactyl (S)
- Win a raid - Dratini (S)
- Winning in the Go Battle League - Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan
- Vaincre 2 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Koffing (S), Ekans (S)
Friends / friends tasks
- Give your friend 3 treats - Spoink (S)
- Win 5 hearts with your buddy - Cubone (S)
- Send 3 gifts to friends - Roselia (S)
- Trade a Pokémon - Abra (S), Gastly (S), Geodude (S), Machop (S)
Other tasks
- Hatch an Egg - Gligar (S)
- Evolve a Pokémon - Magnemite (S), Eevee (S)
- Power up Pokemon 5 fois (Rencontre) – Bulbasaur (S), Charmander (S), Squirtle (S)
- Power up Pokemon 5 fois (Mega) – 10 Beedrill Mega Energy, 10 Venusaur Mega Energy, 15 Charizard Mega Energy
- AR scan tasks - Skarmory (S), Dratini (S)
And those are all Pokémon GO Field Research tasks and rewards for February 2021.