Hats: 1
Problems: N / A
Enemies: N / A but takes place in the Wilderness chapter which introduces the hunter
First of all, it should be noted that the Nome's Attic DLC is only available to those who have the digital edition of Little Nightmares II or those who have purchased the expansion separately or as part of a content bundle. It takes place during the first chapter when you're in the attic, and when completed grants you access to the Nome hat.
Step-by-step procedure
After collecting the attic key, a Nome will rush past you to signal the start of the Nome's Attic DLC. You're going to want to follow him. At first, he's perched on the closet Six propelled you to.
Let her stimulate you again and follow the Nome to the area where you found the grip. Once in the room, you will see him climbing up a cupboard and into a cupboard.
Follow it again and you'll find yourself in a hidden upper area of the attic. No matter how you approach him, he runs away and you get into what is essentially a game of hide and seek.
He enters the suitcase first. Open it and it will rush again. Then it's in the box above the crates. There is a boot on the ground and to get it out you will need to throw it on the box. He rushes again and hides in the drawer. Open it and it will move to the chair in the corner. Jump on it several times to get it out. He will then spill a painting on the floor to reveal a small crawl space. Crawl and you will enter a dark room. After a few seconds, the Nome lights a torch.
He's on a plank of wood above you. Go under it and it will follow from above, the torch light shining your way. Once you go under some shelves you will see a cart with boxes on it. Push it towards the shelves and the Nome will jump on it.
Pull it to the other side and it will jump onto the next set of shelves. Continue until you come to a metal door. He'll open it to let you through and you'll find a switch that turns on the lights.
Turn them on and come back to the previous room. In front of you, a set of drawers. Open the bottom one and use it to climb up to the top. You can now cross the plank the Nome was on before, but rather than follow its direct path, once you reach the shelves you'll want to climb the plank above as you don't have anyone to push the cart for you.
Follow the path of the boards until you reach the last set of shelves and jump to the lower level. You can now enter the room with the switch from the same level as the Nome and you will see a Nome hat in front of you which you can pick up and wear.
The Nome will then lead you through a hole above the light switch. You can climb over the wooden slats and through on a small ledge. Jump to the wall in front of you and go down until you reach another ledge.
Go back to the previous wall and continue your descent until you reach the bottom. You will see a plank of wood blocking your way. Take it out and slide through the gap and you'll end up where you started.
You can then return to the end of the chapter.