How to turn on the lights in the sewer
After you get the manhole hook and descend the ladder into the sewers, you will be surrounded by darkness, except for the light coming from the surface. At first you might think that you just have to walk on the right and you will encounter more light, but it won't. Instead, you need to turn on the lights here to help you know where to go.
Just to the right of where you go down the ladder you'll notice a red light that's just steady. The approach won't bring up a prompt to interact with it or anything, which means you have to try something else.
Instead of just interacting with the red light, you actually have to hit it with your hammer. It may take a few tries, as you just have to be in the right place for it to work properly. Once you hit it, the lights will turn on and the light will then turn green. If for some reason you wanted to disable it, you can do so by hitting it again.
While the first of these is pretty straightforward, it can get a bit more confusing as you move through the sewers. There is a particular spot where you come down stairs and you find yourself behind a wall that you can't really see, with the light actually on the front side of the wall. This means you have to make sure you get out and then hit him rather than being able to stand right where you think you are next and you are actually behind the wall.