Welcome to the Epic Seven Beginners Guide. This guide is divided into 3 separate guides on the most important features and functions of Epic Seven. Everything you need to know to get started in this wonderful game you will find in Epic Seven Beginners Guide.
The Heroes button opens all the functions available to the heroes and creatures on your list. These functions are Team, Hero, Skill Upgrade, Specialty Change, and Transmission.
The Team function opens the screen where you can organize teams of Heroes in your roster. By default you can create 2 different teams, but you can buy more team places for gold. On this screen you can see the position, role, level and element of hero in a chosen team, devotion skill bonuses (each hero has a special devotion skill which can be improved by combining 2 same heroes in the hero function promotion window) and the list of unused heroes in your list.
The hero function is probably the most important function in the game. On the hero screen you can see everything you need to know about the selected hero and the list of other heroes and creatures on your list. The left side of the screen shows the hero's experience, abilities and level, Heroic skill level (devotion), and actual potency (total CP is the combined value of all stats, skills, and gear). In the middle of the screen there are 6 slots for gear (Weapon, Helmet, Armor, Necklace, Ring and Boots), 1 slot for an artifact (artifacts are special items that you can get by summoning or completing certain segments of the game. Artifacts generally enhance Hero's skills and abilities, greatly influencing Hero's overall strength, and 3 distinct functions - Specialty, Enhance / Promote and Awaken.
The Specialty feature provides information about the relationship between selected Hero and other Heroes Affiliates. with him and shows you Hero's specialty, background, and leader stats. Each hero has a unique specialty and a score of Command, Charm, and Politics. This is important for high command automatic missions, as each mission requires certain specialties.
The Improve / Promote function allows you to improve or promote the Hero. You can enhance Hero's experience at any time by using penguins and other heroes or creatures. When you want to upgrade the hero, try to use a creature that has the same element as the selected hero in order to receive as much experience as possible. Depending on the number of stars, each hero has their maximum level - the maximum level for heroes with 3 stars is 30, for heroes with 4 stars is 40, for heroes with 5 stars is 50 and the level overall maximum is 60. When your hero reaches maximum level (up to level 50), he / she can be promoted using a number of other heroes or creatures with the same number of stars, the hero having 1 more star than before. For example, if you want to promote 3-star heroes from level 30 to heroes with 4 stars that can be further upgraded to level 40, you will need 3 heroes or creatures (penguins cannot be used for this type of phantasmas whose main purpose is to: promote heroes) with 3 stars. To promote 4 heroes from level 40 to 5 stars, you will need 4 heroes or creatures with 4 stars. To promote 5-star level 50 to a 6-star hero, you will need 5 5-star heroes or creatures. As you can see, promoting the hero to max level is very demanding and you will need more than a month to promote a single hero to 6 stars. I strongly suggest that you start collecting and upgrading heroes or creatures to promote them early on and plan each promotion well in advance.
The Awaken feature allows you to unlock the forgotten skills and abilities of each hero. As I said before, each hero can have up to 6 stars. For each star, you can unlock an ability using runes or catalysts. The price of unlocking gradually increases as you improve the star rating for each hero. Runes and Catalysts can be obtained in a number of ways: by completing Campaign Missions, completing Spirit Altar and Abyss in the Battle Menu, donating from your guild mates, and purchasing them. Awakening Heroes is very important to reach its maximum potential, especially as some unlocks greatly improve Hero's abilities, but you should only Awaken the Heroes that you will be using in PVE or PVP, as you will not have enough material to awaken all the Heroes on your list. 19659009] Catalyst Epic Seven Small Sun Badge
I already mentioned how to get the catalysts above, but there is one specific catalyst that a lot of people are wondering how to get, its Small Sun Badge catalyst. There are several ways, but you have to be persistent. You can get it in area 3.7, with a much lower fall probability, or you can raise it to 4,8, 4,9 with a higher sink rate (the average energy expended is around 200 to 300).
Let's continue our discussion of heroes. On the right side of the hero screen, you can see the list of all the heroes on your roster. At the top you will see the heroes with the highest number of stars, while the creatures with 2 stars will be at the bottom of the list. If the hero or creature can be promoted or awakened, you will see the red dot on the left side of their image. Additionally, if the hero or creature is on the premade team, you will see the letter "E" on the left side of their image.
Another available feature is Skill Boosting Click the hero icon. Each hero's skills can be upgraded multiple times before reaching their full potential. When you click on Upgrade Skills, you will see the list of your heroes on the right and the selected skills, which can be upgraded in the center. To improve your skills, you will need MolaGoras and some Catalysts. The price of upgrading gradually increases with each level and maximizing a certain skill level will be a very difficult task. My advice is to learn all the possible upgrades of all skills for each hero you actually use and try to improve the most important ones. Upgrading skills can improve skill damage, healing, combat readiness, percent effect, reduce cooldown, etc., so you need to decide what you need the most. before spending the res