North & South it's a strategy video game (but with action parts) turn-based developed and published by Infogrames in 1989.
The video game was converted for numerous platforms, with versions NES and to the Amiga which are probably the best. In North & South you find yourself catapulted into the middle of the American Civil War and the game draws free inspiration from the Belgian comic Les Tuniques Bleues. The topic is war but the whole atmosphere of the game and the animations are decidedly comical, as evidenced by the parody of the national anthem that follows the choice of language (among which there is fortunately Italian).
The goal of the game is to conquer as many states as possible by arranging the various ones troops between the states you control and assaulting the train that carries the gold of your enemies. Gold that is used to pay new troops and consolidate their borders, of course. Well, if you are stuck, here are some tricks and some bonus content for this fun video game.
At the start of the game, let the credits flow. When the guy on horseback is the only one visible, press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B and A. The sound test screen will appear and one of the options will say “Operations”. Hover over it with the cursor and try to select it.
To unlock the game's Sound Test, go to the home screen and wait for the horse to appear, then enter the following code from controller 1: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B and A.