Everything in the market costs a special currency called Credits, and the prices are quite high. A legendary skin costs 1400 credits, or $ 14,00 for a skin. It's a big prize, but it's possible to earn in-game credits. And some of the legendary skins are so tempting to buy.
Credits, the premium currency that you can buy with real money, can be earned. You can actually earn enough to enjoy all of the Battle Pass content for all future heroes without spending any money. Yes really.
But you will have to do a lot of work. The imperative word is that it is quite possible to earn a large number of credits - in total you can earn 7800 credits for the six main heroes. Let's get into more detail below.
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There are two types of currencies in; Credits (Premium) et units (Game currency). Credits can be used to purchase special cosmetics from the market, including Outfits, emoticons, nameplates and finishers.
All items have three rarities - Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Depending on the rarity, each item will have a different price in Credits (Premium currency).
- Beauty products Cost evaluation:
- Outfits: 700 (rare), 900 (epic), 1400 (legendary)
- Emotes: 250 (rare), 500 (epic), 1000 (legendary)
- Nameplates: 100 (rare), 200 (epic)
Credits (premium credits) can be purchased in the market in packs of 500 (5 USD) / 2 000 (20 USD) / 5 000 (50 USD) / 10 000 (100 USD). You will get more bonus credits for bigger and bigger packs, but these packs can be quite expensive. This is a full price game, so if you want to earn free credit currency, here's what you need to do.
How to earn free premium currency
Each character has a special Battle Pass called a HCC (Hero card challenges). Hero Map Challenges are basically a Battle Pass - by completing Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges, you'll rank up and reach new HCC levels to unlock special rewards. CHCs are not time-limited, so you are free to complete them at your own pace.
By completing an HCC you will earn 1300 credits. You obtain 1000 credits for completing the HCC, and +300 ~ for completing CHC activities while moving up through the ranks. If you complete the HCC for all six characters, you can earn a total of +7 credits. This is A value of $ 78 of premium currency!
For buyers on launch day, all six HCC Avengers are free. Normally the HCC costs 1000 credits ($ 10). All future HCCs, such as the HCC for Hawkeye and Kate Bishop, will cost 1000 credits ($ 10) unlock. As with non-DLC Vanilla Heroes, completing the HCC will always earn you 1300 Premium Currency.
Each character has separate HCC challenges - two daily challenges and two weekly challenges. You will need to swap characters to complete their specific challenges, but it is possible to rank the starting six characters.
So what should you do with your free premium currency? First, save 1000 for any new character. Kate Bishop is the first hero announced, so be sure to save at least 1000 for Kate - it's a good idea to always keep 1000 credits ready so you can unlock the HCC Premium levels of the DLC character. All future characters will cost 1000 credits to unlock their HCC and reward you with 1300 ~ Credits to complete the levels.
Some rumors say that there might be 21 heroes in total - it's 15 additional heroes. Keep your hands on at least 1 credits, and you'll be able to unlock (then complete) each additional HCC to spend and claim your premium credits. This leaves you with a total 6800 credits you can use on any cosmetics you want. You can buy 4 legendary outfits with that!
All this assumes that the prices do not change. Many gamers are quite angry with the inflated cost of in cosmetics. At least you can get free cosmetics for a few of your favorite heroes.