The two met at Apple, got married and worked on developing the iPad since it was just an idea in Steve Jobs' head.
In addition to other interesting details, they confirm some things that Steve Jobs said in his day, even increasing their scope.
For example, all searches on the touch interface began as a way to make the Mac more useful, close, and easy to interact with. When it was proved that it would be very expensive to implement it on such large screens, they started working on the iPhone. And once the iPhone was released, they continued to see how they could develop the iPad.
Of all the things they say, I would like to highlight this, which is often overlooked:
When we resurrected the iPad, we knew it had always been designed like a computer and was literally the perfect playground for multitouch. The phone was the first delivery mechanism, but we always knew we wanted a desktop-class face to run applications for multitouch.
When we got back to the iPad project, we knew it had always been designed like a computer and was the perfect platform for the touch interface. The phone was the first mechanism that incorporated it, but we always knew we wanted a device with the power of a computer that used applications designed for touch interfaces.
Respondents define the group that created the iPad as a startup within a startup (the group that created the iPhone) within Apple.
The interesting interview can be read in English here