If you play as a secret agent trying to stop the evil plans of a criminal genius (Professor Elvin Atombender) and are playing on a Commodore 64, in all likelihood you are "fiddling" with Impossible Mission, video game produced in 1984 by Epyx.
The original version for C64, of which we propose cheats and codes, was programmed by Dennis Caswell and the game, very successful, had two sequels: Impossible Mission II (1988) and Impossible Mission 2025 (1994, for Amiga). The first however, in our opinion, remains undoubtedly the best of the three.
There is also a version of this videogame, not memorable to tell the truth, for Sony PSP, dating back to 2005 and still appreciated by the most diehard fans of the original, released 30 years earlier.
Mission Impossible, we say it candidly, was one of the very first games we played with our beloved Commodore 64, shared with cousins. What memories!
Load or reset the game, then run the following BASIC command before starting or restarting the game:
POKE 26831,169
Load or reset the game, then run the following BASIC command before starting or restarting the game:
POKE 27028,0
POKE 31005,12
POKE 21006,221
And remember: “Stay a while! Stay forever…. " a phrase that we have heard hundreds of times and that still today, after 30 years, provokes in us very pleasant memories.
Impossible Mission - Commodore 64