All over the dark swamp of Fallgrim you will come across many statues that look like fish heads. Approach one and you'll find it's actually a chest with loot, but all of them will be locked. The same goes for every fish head breast in the region.
There is a way to unlock them all at once which means you can find them all at once if you want. There is also an easy way to know when all are unlocked as the atmosphere around Fallgrim will have gone from looking clear with the usual enemies to areas filled with a certain monster and in thick fog.
To unlock the statues, you must first continue the adventure as normal. The Unchained, the large creature trapped in Fallgrim Tower, will ask you to collect the first ancient gland. Keep going and do it at your own pace. Once you've completed a dungeon and collected the first gland, you'll immediately notice a change in light as you walk around the dungeon, with different enemies inhabiting the hallways.
As you return to Fallgrim, you will notice that the air has become hazy and all enemies have been replaced with the same creature you previously fought to unlock the Tiel shell, Ven Noctivagu. These will jump on you from afar and hunt in packs, filling the surrounding camps. In this case, Fallgrim is in a state of hunting, where it is more difficult to survive. This can be toggled once you've completed the first Fallgrim Tower dungeon, where a new NPC will be there to offer to change it to a preview currency.
However, while you are in the hunting state, any fish head statues with loot inside will be glowing glowing. These are now open and available for you to open.