If you are working on Storm's Awakening Challenges in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4, you will know that you need to move in the eye of the storm center while wearing the Storm skin.
As some people might be looking for before unlocking the skin, you will need to reach level 53 in the Battle Pass to unlock Storm and level 60 to unlock awakening challenges. Remember to equip the skin for the match or you won't be able to complete the challenge.

The Eye of the Storm is the calm, cloudless area, where the air itself isn't trying to kill you. As such, you will have to wait about a minute for the storm to actually form. We suggest you drop it at Lazy Lake and grab the choppa so you can easily fly where the storm eye center is.
Once the storm has formed, a white circle will appear on the map. Place a map marker roughly in the middle, then fly it into the choppa. Jump up and look around for a beam of purple light that will come from a rotating icon. The icon will look like a lightning bolt. Go ahead, hit the emote button and the challenge will be over.
This is Storm's final awakening challenge, and when you emit, her skin will change, gaining a cloak and other additional details. It's a little less impactful change than some of the others in the game, but it still looks awesome.