<strong>The Eurobursar</strong> Telegram it never stops, not even during the holidays. In fact, on January 1st, the messaging app sent a notification to all users. The message communicated the what's new in update 5.11: In addition to dark mode and changing the background color, also the message programming.
If the communication has not yet arrived, do not panic: slowly it will be delivered to both mobile and fixed devices, of course via a Telegram message. To enjoy all the new features, that's enough update the application. Finally it will be possible schedule the sending of messages, a very useful function for those who want to organize themselves in time, avoiding any setbacks. For example, you can decide to send a notification one hour before an appointment or say goodnight at a preset time. But it can also be exploited for create reminders. In short, this function was created to facilitate everyone's life. Here's how to use it.
Guide for Messages programmed with Telegram
Using this feature is very simple. First, it is necessary access the Telegram chat and write the message you want to send. At the time of sending, instead of normally touching the key with the arrow, it is necessary hold it down for a few seconds. At this point a window will open showing the "message program" item. By tapping on the writing, a calendar will open where you can select the date and time in which you want to send the message. After saving the settings, Telegram will take care of sending the message as established. The app also allows you to schedule the sending of photos and videos, which makes the function even more useful.
view scheduled messages, you can access the related chat and look in the space reserved for writing messages. Next to the classic icons of the paperclip (to attach files) and the microphone (to send a voice note) now also the calendar icon appears. If it has a dot, it means there are messages scheduled for that person. By tapping on the calendar you can see all scheduled messages. When the message it will be send, the system notifies the sender to confirm sending.
How to use Telegram scheduled messages?
The feature is preparing to become one of the most loved by the users of the app. In fact, it makes life a little easier for everyone. First, it can be used by anyone who manages a channel on Telegram. Now it is possible to better scan the communications, distributing them over the course of the day or week, so as not to disturb users too much with bursts of messages.
Also, you can take advantage of the feature to have a always updated calendar. How to do? First of all, just access the chat that collects all the saved messages. It is called just "saved messages" and type the message, or rather the notification, that you want to receive. At this point, holding down the enter key, Telegram opens the window to enter the memo. By choosing the date and time, the app will send a push notification to the device at the chosen time. The notification will be called a reminder and it will be important to never forget any type of appointment, meeting and various types of commitments. In short, the messaging application now offers a lot of new features to rival all the competition, WhatsApp in the lead.
How to send scheduled messages with Telegram