Fortnite's Love and War challenges can only be completed in a limited-time mode called Search and Destroy. This mode is very similar to CS: GO, with teams split between attacking and defending two bomb sites. Attackers must plant a bomb and protect it until it explodes, while defenders must prevent this from happening. Either party can win by eliminating the other team.
One of the Love and War challenges is to plant or disarm a bomb during a match. This is a two-step challenge. You have to do this twice for the first challenge and ten times for the second step.

There are two bomb sites on the map, clearly marked as A and B. The real trick is to get to the bomb site without getting shot. If you play with friends and this mode works best with people you know, you can all rush to Site B. In all the matches I have played, the defenders sit around A and almost ignore completely B. Then just run to the bomb and interact with it for a few seconds. Disarming it works the same, interact with it for a few seconds to disarm it.
While you are planting or disarming the bomb, there is nothing else you can do, so you will need someone to watch you. If you manage to disarm a bomb as a defender, your team will win this round.
You can find all of the Love and War challenges below:
- Complete 5 love challenges
- Complete 5 war challenges
- Complete 5 Love and 5 War challenges
- War: play Search and Destroy matches (0/5)
- Stage 1 of 2: War: Plant or defuse a bomb in Search and Destroy matches (0/2)
- Stage 2 of 2: War: Plant or defuse a bomb in Search and Destroy matches (0/10)
- Love: place the Top 15 in pairs or squads with a friend
- Stage 1 of 2: Love: Buy items from Vending Machines in Find and Destroy matches (0/5)
- Stage 2 of 2: Love: Buy items from Vending Machines in Find and Destroy matches (0/100)
- Love: heal a teammate with a bazooka bandage (0/100)
- Stage 1 of 2: War: Eliminate opponents in Search and Destroy matches (0/5)
- Stage 2 of 2: War: Eliminate opponents in Search and Destroy matches (0/75)
- War: Eliminate your opponents or revive your teammates in a single match (0/3)
- Stage 1 of 2: Love: Earn Gold in Find and Destroy matches (0/2500)
- Stage 2 of 2: Love: Earn Gold in Find and Destroy matches (0/25000)
- Love: thank the bus driver in different matches
- Stage 1 of 2: War: Purchase a common item from Vending Machines in Search and Destroy matches (0/1)
- Stage 2 of 2: War: Buy a Legendary item from Vending Machines in Search and Destroy Matches (0/1)
- War: Deal damage to opponents (0/1000)
- Love: gain health or apply shields (0/500)