Pondwompers, like Gloomharrows, are one of the most difficult enemies to defeat in Windbound. These large, frog-like creatures inhabit swampy islands, and with their specific poison attacks and heavy frames, they are not pushovers. If you manage to beat them, however, they drop special items with which you can craft new things, so it's worth picking them up.
You'll know you're about to meet a Pondwomper if you hear fierce music, led by a trombone, as you explore swampy islands. Pondwompers won't attack you unless you get too close to them or attack them first, so you can pass them without them noticing you.
If they are surprised, prepare for battle. Their first reaction is to retreat inside their shell and release a cloud of poisonous gas. If you get too close you will be poisoned for 10 seconds, slowly depleting your health.
The Pondwompers will always use this tactic first, but if you keep engaging them they will go on the offensive. Their main attacks are poison-based as well, and they will either breathe poison gas in your direction or shoot a drop filled with poison at you. Use your dodge movement to evade these attacks or, like their defensive tactic, you will be poisoned.
Sometimes the Pondwompers will retreat to a safe distance. They line up a long range jump attack and, if you stay stationary, it will reduce some of your health. Lock onto them, and as soon as they jump, dodge twice in a row to get away from their landing zone.
After each attack, the Pondwompers are vulnerable before resuming the offensive. Use this time to stab them with a spear or pepper them with long range attacks, such as arrows, rocks, or slingshot bombs. Do not be too arrogant, otherwise they will attack you without your having time to react.
Once you've defeated a Pondwomper, you can interact with its corpse to get a Shell Shard and two Poison Glands. Shell shards can be used to craft armor for yourself or your ship, and poison glands can be turned into poison bombs.