Despite Pokémon Sword and Shield releasing in less than a month, Game Freak still wants to provide their fans with additional reasons to return to their previous games. Because Sword and Shield are going to be the first mainstream Pokemon games to hit the Nintendo Switch, it's a departure from the 3DS series of titles. To give it a final handshake and thank the players who have been there for so long, they're giving away a Shiny Legendary Pokémon for Ultra Sun and Moon for free. Here is how you get them.
How to get Shiny Legendary Pokemon for free for Ultra Sun and Moon
Players are going to have to visit the nearest GameStop stores to earn money on the free creature. However, Brits will first need to locate a participating gaming location in their region. They can check these areas online and see where they need to go. When they have done that, they are good to go.
Before leaving, each interested player will need to download the Pokemon Pass to their phone. Those who have a Nintendo Switch and bought the Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee games are probably already familiar with this one.
The app will provide players with a download code that they can use in their games. When you receive the code, you must follow these steps to receive your gift. Access the mystery gift from the main menu screen of your game. Select "Receive a gift" from the menu, then choose "Get with code or password". You will see a series of menus appear on your screen, but at the end you will enter the code you received. Make sure you have this handy or written down somewhere nearby.
Once the code is verified, enter your game and head to the nearest Pokemon Center. You are going to look for a delivery man who will have your Pokemon with them. Your respective legendary creature will be at level 60.
The download code is going to work for the legendary opposite of each game, so if you have Sun or Ultra Sun you are going to get a lunala, and those with Moon and Ultra Moon are going to get Solgaleo. Both of these versions are shiny versions of the legendary Pokemon. They will therefore have a slightly different appearance from traditional models.
Pokémon start with these four moves:
- Moonblast
- Moongeist beam
- Moonlight
- Psyshock
- Morning sun
- Noble roar
- Sunsteel Strike
- Zen head shot
This unique offer is not going to last forever. It starts on October 21 and ends on November 10. Players have time to find their 3DS games, power them up, and get them ready before the offer officially begins.
Those who haven't already, be sure to pre-order your copy of Pokémon Sword or Shield by November 15, when the game officially launches.