We all thought the real threat to New York The Division 2 would be the virus, but it's actually the bugs. The Warlords of New York expansion has released and people are already experiencing some very annoying bugs in the game. One of these bugs is when you need to talk to the community leader at the animal shelter and you are not able to do it. You can hold down the guest button, but nothing will happen.
Ubisoft is aware of the problem and is working on a fix. They also have a few steps to take to see if that will fix the issue. Right now, Ubisoft advises that you restart the game, then quickly travel to and from the Safe Home to see if that fixes the issue. Apparently, the problem is caused by a problem in a particular server instance, not all of the servers.
Spoiler alert, this didn't work for us at all, and it looks like we'll just have to wait for Ubisoft to deploy a fix. You can keep an eye on what they have planned in the interview thread.
The servers will be shut down for unscheduled maintenance on Tuesday, March 3 at 09:30 am CET / 03:30 am EST / 00:30 am PST to deploy multiple fixes, and the servers will be down for approximately three hours.
For now, Ubisoft hopes that maintenance will fully resolve the issues below:
- Fixed an issue that prevented the "Reach Town Hall" objective of the WONY intro mission from updating and teleporting players to a different location.
- Fixed an issue that caused players who exited the helicopter cutscene to get placed and stuck in the Trinity Church.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from interacting with Community Leader NPCs.
- Other backend improvements to prevent ECHO errors from occurring for players.