Since you have a Instagram profile in which you publish lots of high quality photos taken with yours reflex, most likely there are several people looking for ways to download them to their devices. This new guide today, entitled "How to see who saves your Instagram photos“, Is dedicated to those users who want to find out in a general way if someone really downloads the images posted on the well-known photographic social network.
Preliminary operation
Before discovering the specific steps to follow for see who saves your photos posted on Instagram, it is necessary to do two preliminary operations: create a Facebook page if you don't have it e connect the Instagram profile to the Facebook page.
To create a page on the well-known blue social network, carefully follow the steps below:
- Open the default browser on your computer (eg. Chrome, Firefox, Safari o Edge), connect to the website of Facebook and eventually log in to your profile by typing the right credentials.
- Once you have entered the main screen of the social network, click on the item Crea present at the top right and choose Page give the menu to compare.
- Now, choose whether to create a page Company or Brand showing your products and services or Community or Public Character if you want to create a page where you can share content with people in your community, organization, team, group or club. To continue, press the button Start.
- At this point, fill in the fields under the items Page name e Category and choose Continue I will continue.
- In the next step, you will have to follow the directions provided by Facebook to complete the creation of the new page by filling in the required fields.
- Finally, make sure the page Facebook just created has been published correctly before proceeding with connecting it to the Instagram profile. To do this, click on freccia rivolta verse il basso present at the top right and press on page name just created from the menu that appears. Next, press on the item Settings and, from the card Generali, click on the button Modification present in corrispondenza della voce Page Visibility. Once this is done, tick the option Published page and save the changes by pressing the appropriate button.
Creating a Facebook page can also be done from the app Pages Manager available for both Android and iOS or directly from the application of the popular social network. In the latter case, open it, log into your account if necessary, then press on 3 dashes placed at the top right and choose Pages from the screen that appears. Once this is done, press the button Create a page and follow the directions provided by Facebook to proceed with the creation.
The second preliminary operation to do is to connect the Instagram profile to the Facebook page. Let's see the steps to follow specifically:
- From your smartphone / tablet Android o iOS, open the official application of Instagram and then press onlittle man present at the bottom right.
- Now, tap on 3 dashes at the top right and choose Settings from the left side menu that appears.
- Through Settings, press on the voice Account, then press on Switch to a corporate account and press the button Continue for 4 consecutive times.
- Now, you need to connect the Facebook page . created a little while ago by pressing on the voice Choose page.
- Once this is done, locate the page in question and click on it to select it. Continue by pressing the button NEXT.
- In the next step, add the information required by Instagram to complete the company profile (e.g. e-mail, telephone number and address) and select end to conclude.
How to see who saves your photos on Instagram
Once you have successfully enabled the business profile of the popular photo social network, now you need to take advantage of the section Insights which allows you to access the statistics relating to the progress of your profile. To access it, press onlittle man at the bottom right, press on 3 dashes at the top right and choose Statistics from the side menu that appears.
In the tab Activities, find various information about interactions, profile visits, click on the website, give statistics, coverage e impressions. In the tab Content find the performance obtained from posts, stories and promotions published while in the tab Public graphs are shown on the most popular places, age group, sex (gender) and followers.
Le interactions are all those actions performed by people when they interact with your account. The profile visits indicate the number of times yours Instagram profile was viewed by users while Click on the website indicates how many times the link in the description has been pressed by people.
I statistics contain the set of data that are intended to measure how many people see your content and where they find it. There coverage is the number of unique accounts that have seen one of your posts while the impressions (Impression) is the total number of times all your posts have been viewed.
Pressing on the item Show all di Post del feed, Stories e Promotions (in the tab Content), find the precise number of interactions collected in the last year or in the desired period. Pressing on the voices All, 1 year e Interactions you can access many filters to better monitor the published content.
The option Most popular places indicates the places where your followers are concentrated while Age range indicates the age range of your followers (you can customize the chart view by selecting All, Men o Women). The graph of Gender shows the percentage of women and men of your followers. Finally, the section follower reports the times on average or a specific day of the week that your followers are active on Instagram (choosing Opening Hours o Days).