The Loot Shark is a new addition to Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3. Now that the map is flooded, we have more than other players to take on. Loot Sharks will infest the waters near different named locations, but in this case, Sweaty Sands is our target. Sweaty Sands is located in the same location as last season, but was inundated and is now a drastically different area.

The Loot Shark can spawn anywhere near Sweaty Sands, so if you get to the area and it's not there yet, just jump into the water and that should force it to spawn. You'll want to make sure you have weapons, and the area is a bit busy right now, so be prepared to fight other players as well.
Not sure what kind of scope you will need to damage the shark, so we suggest a sniper rifle, if you can find one. When the shark appears, you just need to pump damage. If you can find the shark, check all around the area as someone else may be occupying it. Don't worry, though, as loot sharks can take ridiculous damage.
Be careful if it gets close to shore, as a shark will come out of the water on you and can take about a quarter of your health in one bite. They will also pass through walls or other covers to grab you, and appear to be particularly aggressive creatures.
When you have dealt enough damage to the shark, the challenge will be over and you can resume the match as normal.