Here, I'm going to break down everything you need to know about the evolution of Canarticho to Palarticho - and how to make it super easy. If you get the right items and fight the right enemies, you can turn Canarticho into Palarticho in no time. All you need is a battle, but there is a very specific element you will need to mine.
Palarticho and Galarian Form Canarticho are only available. You will need to exchange to get the Galician Canarticho form if you don't have that.
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How to evolve Canarticho in Palarticho | Easy Crits Guide
To start this evolution, you must first catch Canarticho. Canarticho can be found on Route 5 or the giant's mirror. There are two kinds of Canarticho - be sure to catch Far Galic Form Fararian! It is the only one that can evolve.
After catching a Farfetch'd, you will need score three critical hits in the same battle to get them to evolve in Sirfetch'd. To improve your Crit Chance, you'll need to farm Canarticho Farm until you get a Leek. Canarticho are located on Route 5 or the giant's mirror in . Keep fighting until you get the gout!
Normal Farfetch'd would have a 5% chance of drop a leek item, while the Galarian form, Farfetch'a, has a 50% chance. Leek, equipped by Canarticho, doubles its crit rate. Give it to Canarticho as a reserve point once you get it!
Now you will have to choose a tough Pokemon that can survive three critical hits. Go out and stalk Flying, Psychic or Fairy Type Pokemon. You can find theft types on Route 3, or Psychic Wobuffet on Route 5. The wilderness is a great place to look for any number of Pokémon. Just find a guy who can withstand your attacks, equip Canarticho with a leek and hit town, you'll be evolving in no time.