One of the challenges of Week 3 Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 is destroying structures with propane tanks. It's part of the TNTina trial, and there's one place in the game that's perfect for this challenge.
The Rig, one of the new points of interest added to the game in Season 2, is absolutely filled with propane tanks. Head straight from the Battle Bus and land on the bridge. It's a good idea to jump into the phone booth to disguise yourself as an enemy, allowing you to easily collect propane tanks.

The propane tanks are bright red, with yellow writing on the side. You must know that a single propane tank does not do enough damage to destroy a structure, and you must destroy them for this challenge, damaging them is not enough.

You will need to stack three propane tanks in a small area to do enough damage to destroy a structure. So, take three tanks and take them somewhere that has a lot of structures close to each other. The 2 spherical tanks on the main deck are a great place to put them. Then shoot one of them and watch them all explode, destroying the structures around them.
You can find propane tanks on other parts of the map, but not in the quantities they can be found on the platform. If you'd rather just finish this somewhere else, use your harvesting tool to lower the health of any structures you want to destroy, then use the propane tank to finish them.
When you've destroyed 10 structures with propane tanks, the challenge will be over, getting you one step closer to TNTina's Shadow or Ghost styles.
You can find the rest of TNTina's trial challenges below: