A passenger on a train from Zurich to Bale set up his TV and PS4 to play Fortnite as if he were in his living room. Not content with this feat, he then continued with a series watched on Netflix. And all this, of course, without using a headset. The performance was filmed and posted a few days ago on Facebook.
It's a funny story that is reported by the Swiss edition of 20 Minutes. Imagine the picture: a young man gets on a train with other passengers, of course. The scene takes place on September 30. The train departs from Zurich to Basel. The newcomer carries a large TV and a backpack. No one yet suspects that the contents of the bag and the flat screen will soon be the focus of attention.
Installed in a compartment for four people, the passenger installs the television on the armrests of the seats facing him. They plug the television into an electrical outlet (since this equipment is more and more common in rail transport). Then he opens his backpack. A PlayStation 4 comes out, cables and a controller. A few moments later, he turns the whole thing on. And he starts a game of Fortnite.
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Already funny, the scene, which was filmed by many passengers, does not stop there. The passenger, little inclined to know if the other passengers are not bothered, is joined by a second. A businessman, as evidenced by a passenger who posted on Facebook a video taken during the events (from which the screenshot above is taken). While all the passengers in the car thought he would ask the young man to stop playing (in order to restore some calm in this enclosed space), he sits next to the latter and takes the lever to start too. a part.
After Fortnite, a series on Netflix
And it's not over. After playing Fortnite, the young passenger opens Netflix and watches a series (the story does not say which series it is). To the amazement of this lunar scene is unfortunately added the noise. Because this Netflix subscriber did not think of plugging in a headset to enjoy the dialogues alone. Especially since the noise of the train led him to increase the sound of his television set, further increasing the inconvenience caused to his railway neighbors.
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Obviously, the controllers present on board were asked to negotiate with this player who "reinvents the game" in a mobile situation. They explained to him that besides hearing discomfort, the problem was not so much with using a TV and a console on a train, but rather the fact that a traveler cannot occupy more than one seat. He occupied three of them.
Source : 20 Minutes
- Fortnite
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