It's the spooky season in Fortnite, and the Fortnitemares special event has started. It means all kinds of new challenges to complete and loot to complete. One of the new challenges is to destroy the haunted house furniture. In this guide, we will therefore indicate where to find them.
Fortnite - Where to destroy haunted house furniture
The good thing about this challenge is that you can find haunted house furniture all over the map. The bad news is that it seems to be quite rare. All you have to do is find a house, then go inside and check it out. Built-up areas are preferable. Places like Pleasant Park, Sweat Sands, Holly Hedge, Misty Meadows, and Lazy Lake are home to many homes. Unfortunately, they now contain a lot of other players, so they have become death traps.
It is also quite easy to spot haunted house furniture, as it will float in the air and have a strange energy surrounding it. When you find one, crush or shoot it until it is completely destroyed. Once they're gone, they're gone, and they also don't seem to be created, so you can't just go back to the same location in multiple games to destroy the same one over and over again.
Another thing to watch out for is any new enemies that may appear. As you walk, a landscape like a car or dumpster can suddenly turn into a shattering zombie, and it will try to kill you. Shoot it or go for a quieter option if you don't want to be noticed, as it will try to chase you down and are happy to smash walls to hit you.
You have to destroy five pieces of haunted household furniture in total, but you don't have to do it all in one game and you have just under a week to complete these challenges.
There are many more challenges to complete during the Fortnitemares event, including a massive battle against the Storm King. If you need help fighting this gigantic monster, we have a guide you should find very useful. We also have a guide that will show you where to find the ghost town where you will need to search a chest.