One of the three legendary birds from the original Pokémon games, Zapdos is a formidable enemy in Pokémon Go. You can meet him when he is available in the five-star raid rotations, and you need a full party of at least five other trainers to help you take it apart. Although this is the first generation, that doesn't mean it will be a snap.
Zapdos' weaknesses
Zapdos is an electric and flying type Pokémon. However, this is only weak for Ice and Rock type attacks, so your options are limited. It is resistant to insect, combat, flight, grass, ground and steel attacks. You want to avoid any of these attacks on your Raid Pokémon when you fight it.
Pokémon to counter Zapdos
The best Pokémon to use to take it down during the raid are Rhyperior, Mamoswine, and Rampardos.
Rhyperior is one of the best Rock and Ground-type Pokémon and is a solid choice for almost any raid where you need a Pokémon to use Rock-type attacks. It has a max CP of 3, attack of 733, defense of 241, and stamina of 190. Unfortunately, the best attack you can have on it is the Charge Attack Rock Destroyer, but that's a legacy attack. Only a handful of trainers probably have a Rhyperior who knows this. Alternatively, you can use one that knows how to snap down and the edge of the stone, and earn a Zapdos raid.
Your next choice is Mamoswine, the Ground and Ice-type Pokémon. This choice is much more offensive and has minimal defensive capabilities, which is always fine for a raid. While Mamoswine is exceptionally resistant to Electric-type attacks, so he should do well against Zapdos in this regard. He has a max CP of 3, attack of 328, defense of 247, and stamina of 146. The best moves he can now include powder snow and stone edge for his charge attack.
The last optimal choice is Rampardos, a Rock-type Pokémon. He's got a lot more attack than defense, aligning him more closely with Mamoswine than Rhyperior, but it's perfect for a five-star raid when you want to do the most damage. It has a max CP of 3, attack of 298, defense of 295, and stamina of 109. The best moves you can have on your Rampardos include the quick attack and charge attack rock slide.
If you don't have any of the above choices, there are plenty of other Pokémon to choose from. You can still use Galarian DDarmanitan, Golem, Tyranitar, Alola Golem, Gigalith, Glaceon, Weavile, Garchomp, Kyurem, Zekrom, Regigigas, Aggron, Abomasnow or Regirock.
Once you've defeated Zapdos, you have a limited number of choices to capture him based on how many Premier Bullets you receive. You and your teammates receive more if you are friends with each other, and you can receive more if the gym in which the raid is being held was held by your team, if you did the most damage and how fast you did. beat the five stars. raid.