Mortem Rex was added to Jurassic World Alive in Update 2.0 and immediately began to frustrate players. It is the first creature in the game with a rarity greater than unique and its DNA can only be gathered by defeating it in one of the most difficult raids currently available in the game. This beast can do more damage. that a Tyrannosaurus Rex and his name means "Death King". This raid can be absolutely maddening for new players and veterans alike. Fortunately, the raid is really difficult and not completely impossible. This guide contains the best tips to finally eliminate Mortem Rex and add him to your collection.
Mortem Rex Statistics
Before we can get into the raid itself, we need to break down Mortem Rex's stats and abilities. In addition to the stats below, the raid also has a level 30 Velociraptor and a level 30 Majundasuchus.
Level: 30
HP the base: 41782
Basic damage: 3342
Basic speed: 108
Base armor: 0%
Crit the base: 40%
Resistance to dizziness: 100%
Tear resistance: 80%
Resistance to distraction: 50%
DoT resistance: 50%
Vulnerable resistance: 50%
Primal Tail Whip: Targets all opponents, bypasses armor, removes shields
Shattering rampage of defense: Targets the opponent with the highest HP, removes shields, bypasses armor
Random Shattering Strike: Targets a random opponent, removes shields, circumvents armor
This raid is difficult at first but it is almost impossible without cooperation and coordination with your teammates. A team level of 30 is the best to face this boss. Your team must also be fully strengthened to have the best chances.
For your team, you will need at least one tank and two healers. The tank will be this beast's primary target at the start. If the tank has no help, it will fall pretty quickly. Distractions and provocations will be essential throughout this fight. A fully leveled Ardentismaxima is a solid choice for absorbing damage and using taunts. Whichever tank type you choose, each team member will need to be able to take a hit that deals over 3000 damage not counting any crits.
The two weaker opponents will be very problematic if you don't knock them out quickly. If you just focus on Mortem Rex, you'll end up with the Velociraptor and Majundasuchus scratching your head. Use group acceleration to deal with them as quickly as possible.
Here is a list of creatures that it would be good to bring with you to fight Mortem Rex:
- Trykosaurus
- Ardentismaxima
- Tenontorex
- Diloranosaurus
- Diorajasaur
- Diloracheirus
- Tuoramoloch
All of these creatures are most effective when they are at level 30 and fully boosted.
Global strategy
Once your team is built, the battle will be a bit difficult, but everyone will have to stay on their toes or Mortem Rex will crush you. Even with the best teams, this raid may take several tries before it can be victorious.
The main objective of the first rounds of the battle is to survive and eliminate the two minions before destroying Mortem Rex. Use group acceleration to take them out starting with the Velociraptor. Once the two smaller opponents are taken care of, start focusing on the boss. The healers will take turns to heal the whole team as best they can. Don't worry about maximizing health as long as other players have enough health to survive another boss hit. Mortem Rex can deal over 3300 damage per hit, not counting crit.
You will need to use distractions and taunts for the duration of this battle. Teammates should take turns using distractions and not miss a turn no matter what. If Mortem Rex can hit the team with all his might, the raid will be over before you can do any real damage to him. The tank will need to focus on using taunts to get Mortem Rex's attention. By forcing the boss to focus on the tank, healers can focus on keeping the tank alive while the rest of the team distracts and deals as much damage as possible.