Dubai Codes
- Door to staff area - 4706
- This code can be found on a whiteboard in the meeting room. He opens a door that connects the atrium and the staff area.
- Security room safe - 6927
- This code can be found on a bulletin board nearby. He opens the safe that contains the evacuation key card needed to trigger the emergency evacuation sequence for both targets, leading to an assassination opportunity by sabotaging their parachutes.
- Penthouse Safe - 7465
- This code opens the safe in the guest bedroom of the penthouse suite.
Dartmoor Codes
- Office Safe d’Alexa Carlisle (dossier) - 1975
- This code unlocks the safe that contains the case file needed to complete the Dartmoor mission. Press the button on Alexa Carlisle's chair to reveal the safe. The safe has four symbols above it, and these symbols represent objects in the room. Each number in the combination is masked by these elements. By finding the clock, telescope, fireplace, and moose head, you can find all four numbers in the combination.
Chongqing Codes
- ICA facility door - 0118
- A woman at the door has forgotten the code and is thinking aloud to try to remember it. She will eventually say the full code out loud, informing you that it is 0118. She will also open the door so you can follow her inside without using the keypad.
- ICA apartment door - 0118
- It looks like the ICA uses the same code for everything. You can find this code by listening to the answering machine on the second floor of the apartment.
- Laundromat door - 0118
- This is the same code that the ICA uses for the facility door and the apartment door. This is a required code if you are attempting the All-Seeing Eyes mission story.
- Reference laboratory door - 2552
- This code can be found written on a whiteboard on the fifth floor of the building where Hush is located.
- Door to Hush's Private Lab - 2552
- This code can be found written on a nearby whiteboard.
- Arcade door - 2552
- This code is used to open the locked door in the archway.
Codes of Mendoza
- Laser system for wine refrigerator - [1945
- According to an overheard custodial conversation, the code is the last year of WWII, which is 1945.
- Safe in the basement of the villa - 2006
- According to a conversation with a ceiling guard, the code for the basement villa safe is the year the Yates got married. There is a calendar in the Villa that shows the Yates (15-year-old) crystal wedding anniversary in 2021, which means they were originally married in 2006.
Carpathian mountain codes
- doors - 1979
- You will find this door at the very start of the mission using the default starting location. The code can be found on the poster to the left of the door.
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