Telegram does not move and sales groups still proliferate Fake Covid Green Passes. They proliferate and also yield, since i prices of certificates are going up impressively in just a few hours. A sign that someone buys them, exposing themselves to great risks in order not to undergo vaccination.
The phenomenon has been underway for a few days: as soon as the Government announced that the Green Pass will be mandatory, starting from 6 August, to enter indoor restaurants, gyms, swimming pools, cinemas and other places open to the public, the race to the fake certificate. Which has become a big business, thanks to the support of technology. Support (albeit indirect) from Telegram, which for years has been the ideal tool to sell and buy everything on the black market. Telegram, for example, is the right place to search, find and buy the so-called "pezzotto", that is a subscription to illegal IPTV. In recent years, there are no count of the judicial police operations that have led to the closure of dozens of Telegram groups.
How much does a fake Green Pass cost today
The price of fake Green Passes is skyrocketing: in just 24 hours it's gone from 100-120 euros (for the digital version and for the paper version respectively) to 200-220 euros. In practice, double, but it is the law of the market: with high demand, prices go up.
And those of the "family packages" also rise: now to buy the Pass for 4 people you spend 600-650 euro, for 6 people you spend 650-700 euro.
Probably due to the media hype of the last few hours, then, the sellers of these fake Green Passes have become more cautious in getting paid. They no longer accept traceable payments, only Amazon, Zalando or Paysafecard vouchers or cryptocurrency transfers, such as Bitcoin ed Ethereum.
However, the substance for the buyer does not change: buying a fake Green Pass on Telegram is not only illegal, But it is also dangerous: to obtain the fake certificate it is necessary to send a photo of an identity document and health card.
It is sensitive data which can be easily used to score scams, create fake profiles on Facebook or other social networks, activate unwanted contracts and, as if that weren't enough, they could be resold after all this.
Telegram does not move
In light of the long experience with Telegram groups selling illegal IPTV subscriptions, it is hardly surprising that not even this time Pavel Durov's platform stands by while some of its users do all of this.
This time, though, the matter is much more serious: if to sell IPTV pezzotte we lose (money) only the big television networks, in fact, risk losing (health) millions and millions of people across the country.
Green Pass still on sale on Telegram: skyrocketing prices