An enhanced mailbox, supported by the integration of an AI system useful for organizing both messages and daily activities: this is how Google presented inbox upon its introduction, dated 2014. Four years later or so, the Californian group announces the chiusura of the project, set for March 2019.
Google closes Inbox
The post on the official blog announcing the decision does not directly refer to the reasons that led to a similar choice. However, we can imagine that Inbox has never managed to win over users as hoped for by Google and that therefore the Californian company has considered it convenient to concentrate its resources exclusively on a project like Gmail, which despite the passage of time continues to prove solid and which is still preferred to its younger alternative today. In the speech, the service is described as a sort of test bed, a perennial beta in which to test the experimental features.
Inbox by Gmail was a great opportunity to experiment with new ideas such as snoozing emails later and implementing the most advanced AI features for smart replies, pending message reminders and high priority notifications to stay. productive.
The closure is not immediate and there is time to carry out the passage from one to the other service with all calm. Another dry branch cut, in a manner very similar to those that in recent years have seen the abandonment of projects such as Reader, Picasa, Spaces, Panoramio and Code.
Four years after launching Inbox in 2014, we've learned a lot about how to make email better, taking this experience to integrate it into Gmail to help over a billion people get the most out of their email every day. Looking ahead, we want to take a more focused approach to deliver the best email experience for everyone. As a result, we plan to focus only on Gmail and say goodbye to Inbox at the end of March 2019.
All on Gmail
The invitation to users is therefore to move to as soon as possible gmail. In the future, this will be the only e-mail box offered by the group, renewed in April with the introduction of new features, some inspired by those already tested on Inbox such as the automatic composition of messages. Google acknowledges that for some, the change can be a hassle, especially after adoption of the service has been pushed and promoted by bigG for some time. For this reason, a guide to the switch has been published.
We know that switching can be challenging, so we've created a guide to help you make the transition from Inbox to your new Gmail easily. All your conversations are already waiting for you in Gmail. We see them.
Source: Google Google closes Inbox and bets everything on Gmail