The Mountain View group announces the possibility of listening to the service catalog for free in streaming YouTube Music on the line speakers Google Home. To start doing it immediately, just ask the virtual assistant “Ok Google, put on some music” and it smart speaker will immediately start playing the songs. If you want you can specify a genre (“Ok Google, let me listen to some rock”).
YouTube Music is free on Google Home
Of course, for those who don't have a premium membership, the songs are occasionally interspersed with advertisements. Those who decide to subscribe to the service, at the monthly price of 9,99 euros (the first 30 days are free and the Family formula is available for six people at 13,99 euros), can go down even more specifically and select with your voice a song, an album, a playlist or an artist (“Ok Google, let me listen to the Beatles”) as well as asking the device to repeat a song or skip it because it is not in line with your personal tastes.
To associate YouTube Music with one or more altoparlanti it is necessary to open the Google Home application installed on your mobile device, select the item "Services" and finally "Music", to then be able to choose the service as default, replacing it for example with Google Play Music if the smart speaker was already configured previously.
The novelty, as well as theItaly, from the outset also internationally involved Canada, Mexico, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Japan, Austria, the Netherlands and the United States. Soon it will come to affect other territories. It works both with smart speakers produced and marketed directly by bigG (Google Home and Google Home Mini) and with those of third parties that rely on the artificial intelligence of the Google Assistant such as those, for example, branded JBL, Sonos, Bose and Polk.
Source: Google Blog Italy YouTube Music is free on Google Home speakers