How to get predator skin in Fortnite
To unlock the Predator skin, you need to complete a number of Predator challenges. The first three challenges are available now, while the remaining six are expected to unlock on January 20. There are nine challenges in total, but you probably won't need to complete them all to get the skin.
These are all the Predator challenges in Fortnite so far.
- Find a mysterious pod (Banner icon)
- Chat with Beef Boss, Remedy and Dummy (Plasma Roulette Reticle)
- Collect medical kits (Heat Vision Hunter)
- Collect legendary or rarer weapons
Find the mysterious capsule
The mysterious pod is located in the northwest corner of Stealthy Stronghold. This should be pretty easy to find, but you can always check our guide for the exact location. Completing this challenge will unlock the Predator Banner icon.
Chat with Beef Boss, Remedy and Dummy
These are three NPCs that can be found scattered around the map. Beef Boss can be found at the Durr Burger restaurant west of Weeping Woods or the Durr Burger food truck east of Stealthy Stronghold. Remedy is located in a house northeast of Pleasant Park. Dummy resides north of Pleasant Park. You can check out our NPC locations guide for more details. Completing this challenge will unlock the Plasma Roulette Reticle.
Collect medical kits
This challenge is quite simple. All you have to do is collect three Medkits. You don't have to have all three at once or even have them all in the same game. Pick three at any time and you'll be up to the challenge. They usually spawn in chests and as floor loot, so you should be able to clear this challenge quickly. Completing this challenge will unlock the Heat Vision Hunter Spray.
Collect legendary or rarer weapons
This challenge is easy. All you have to do is pick up a legendary weapon. Legendary weapons are orange in color. They're hard to find, but you're pretty much guaranteed to find one if you can make it into the top 10 in a match. You can also get lucky while researching chests.
Fortnite is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.