Fortnite Holiday Tree Locations
There are many holiday trees in Fortnite, but the easiest to find are listed below.
- Holiday tree # 1: Steep cliffs
- Holiday tree # 2: Salty towers
- Holiday tree # 3: Holly Hedges
- Holiday tree # 4: The orchard
- Holiday tree # 5: Pleasant park
- Holiday tree # 6: Docks sales
If you are unable to find them, you can see their exact location on the map below.
Holiday trees are very hard to miss. They are very large trees decorated with all kinds of festive ornaments, lights and garlands. After dropping off the battle bus, keep an eye out for their glowing llama toppers. They usually have gifts and chests under them that you can open to find some good gear and weapons. Trees are found in the central areas of each of the POIs where they are located, so you won't have to search too hard to find them.
As always, be on the lookout for other players. There will likely be a lot of enemies stumbling across these holiday trees to complete the challenge on their own, so you might find yourself in a shootout before you start dancing. However, you can take as long as you need to dance the five trees, so don't worry if you can't do it as fast as you want, as the other players keep intervening. After completing this challenge, be sure to visit various Snowmando outposts and open chests there as part of the Operation Snowdown event challenges.
Fortnite is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. The Operation Snowdown event will run until January 5.