The "Adventures of Skye" challenges within Fortnite Season 2 have arrived.
Let's see what they are, how they are completed and what rewards they give to players who manage to complete them!
Here's how to complete the "Adventures of Skye" challenges
Search Chests at the Bases of Spies
The first challenge of this week is also one of the easiest that have ever appeared inside our dear Fortnite . The challenge in question asks the player to go around the bases of the spies (the five new locations appeared with the arrival of the second season of Chapter 2) in Fortnite search of coffers.
By opening seven chests the challenge will be considered to be over. The chests are located at the following game locations, all of which are already known to older players:
- The Shark
- The cave
- The Yacht
- The well
- The agency
The map here will show you the location of all five locations on the game map.

To find the coffers we simply recommend that you sharpen your eyes and ears. The chests release a golden aura that even manages to penetrate the walls and the best way to find the chests is to be careful of the surrounding environment, with the collecting tool in hand and a certain intuition to understand their position.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Inflict damage to opponents with machine guns or pistols
This challenge asks the player to inflict a total of four hundred damage to opponents during one or more games using only weapons that belong to the machine gun or pistol family. Both of these types of weapons are present within the game in a variety of rarities, from the most common weapons to legendary rarities, and are also fairly easy to find within the game world.
The easiest way to achieve the damage required by the challenge is to concentrate from the start on doing damage to opponents, perhaps preferring situations that allow these weapons to shine (such as short and medium distance battles). If you have trouble completing this challenge you can always try to do the same by playing in team brawl mode where the presence of the respawn will help the player to come back to life with the equipment ready for a new kill run.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Report One Uncommon, One Rare and One Epic (0/1) - 54,000XP
This challenge asks the player to report three types of objects, of increasing rarity, during one or more games. The mechanics of object reporting is one of the mechanics that Fortnite has practically stolen from Apex Legends and is one of the most important mechanics within the game, as it allows for non-verbal communication with a large number of allied players without having to use words.
In order to complete this challenge the player will need to report items of three different rarity levels:
- Object of Rarity Uncommon (real Fortnite battle interior you will need to have the object under the viewfinder and use the appropriate button. On consoles it is usually the left button of the d-pad while on PC the designated button is mouse3 or pressing the wheel of the same.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Collect 75 units of each item within 60 seconds of landing from the Battle Bus.
This challenge asks the player to collect seventy-five wooden units, seventy-five stone units and seventy-five metal units within one minute of landing after taking flight from the battle bus.
In order to complete this challenge it is practically essential to be aware of where to throw yourself in order to quickly find all the necessary resources. In our opinion, the best way to complete this challenge is to go to the Crying Forest, the area full of trees, debris and wreckage that we can find in the central-western part of the game map, between the coordinates G5 and D6 and then take the collection tool and make slaughter.
The numerous trees you will find in the area will be your perfect source of wood, the debris you will find will help you to accumulate stone and the vehicles and car bodies will be the perfect source of metal. If for some strange problem you consider it difficult to complete this challenge remember that you can always use the Team Brawl mode which, by dividing the map into two large sections, could help you not to meet any opponents in the area you want.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Hide in an Insidious Carton at the Box Factory
This challenge asks the player to direct you to the Box Factory (one of the historical, unnamed locations on the game map) present at G7 coordinates and hide inside it using an insidious cardboard.
Here is a map with which you can easily find the above mentioned box factory.
As mentioned earlier, the insidious cardboard is a launchable object available only in the uncommon rarity that generates cardboard boxes in which you can take refuge and then ambush the unfortunate opponents.
Equip yourself with a cardboard box by picking one up in virtually any opening on the game map and try to complete the challenge by going directly into the box factory. Once there throw the cartoon on the ground, wait for it to form and then press the contextual interaction button to receive the appropriate experience points as a prize.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Use consumable items at Whispering Forest or Orchard
This challenge asks the player to use consumable items at Fignant Forest or Orchard, two game locations that you've probably become very familiar with.
Foresta Frignante you already know it because it is mentioned in a challenge, in any case it is a large wooded area that you can find between the coordinates C5/D6 of the game map, in the central western area; Frutteto is instead a historical place you can find north of Fattorie Frenetiche, as marked on the game map.
The consumable items that we recommend you use to complete this challenge are Blue Mushrooms (which offer five shield points to the player who consumes them) or Apples (which offer five health points to the player who consumes them); consuming ten such items will allow the player to complete the challenge and move on to the next delivery.
Remember that if you are at the maximum of your waistline you will not be able to consume the apples and identical speech can be made for the shield; in case you need to injure yourself climb on a structure created by you higher than five floors and throw yourself into the void; by doing so you will receive controlled amounts of damage and you will be able to treat yourself just right to be able to consume other items necessary for the success of the challenge.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Visit The Shark, Resting Rapids and Fabulous Gorge.
This challenge asks the player to go around the Royal Fortnite Battle map by visiting three specific areas on the game map during one or more games.
The challenge in question asks the player to visit the following three zones:
- The Shark: area that you already know as an addition in the last season, present at coordinates B1 of the game map)
- Resting Rapids: historical location you know from the G6 coordinates of the game map.
- Forra Favolosa: this location is a crevasse between the coordinates E5 and F5 of the game map, along the river that from the central area leads to Lago Languido.
To complete the challenge in an extremely simple way, we suggest you to retrieve a Choppa helicopter somewhere and then fly to the various locations in a very short time; if you manage to keep the helicopter intact until the end of the journey you will find yourself having completed the challenge in such a short time that you will be almost hurt.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Escape from a Vault using a Secret Passage
This challenge asks the player to escape from a vault (a microlocation contained within the five new game zones) using a secret passage. In order to complete this challenge it is first of all necessary to know the five special locations of the season well enough to understand the location of the vault and the location of the next secret passages.
The places that contain the vaults are as follows:
- The Shark
- The yacht
- The Agency
- The Cave
- The Well
Once inside, take your best weapons and try, as much as possible, to shoot down the non-player characters present there. Your goal in this specific juncture is to collect the magnetic card of the case, and then follow the directions to reach the vault hidden within the location.
Once inside the vault collect the loot and try to use the secret passage inside the locaiton to escape. The secret passages in question are usually chemical baths, so keep your eyes open and try to follow the procedure to the letter to avoid mistakes.
Remember that this challenge will not be complete in Team Brawl mode due to the absence of bosses and NPCs.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Visit Skye's coastal camps
This challenge asks the player to go around the game map looking for the coastal encampments of Sky, one of the new locations in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Week 5.
In order to find these encampments we suggest you to follow the map that we have made especially for you below.
More specifically, here is where to find the camps:
- The first camp is located just northwest of Sweaty Sands, in the area towards the A3 coordinates on the game map.
- The second camp is located in the area north of Pacific Park, towards the north end of the game map, at coordinates D1 of the game map.
- The third camp is located on a small beach, in a cove that can be found south of Foschi Fumaioli, straddling zones H2 and H3 of the game map.
- The Fourth camp is located southeast of Corso Commercio, beyond the snowy mountains and along the edges of the map, at coordinates H7 of the game map.
- The fifth camp is located in the area south of the game map, at the coordinates D8 of the game map along the same line of the dam between Pantano Palpitante and Brughiere Brumose.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Attract a player or henchman by using a bow
This challenge asks the player to lure a player or henchman to himself using a spear. The jib is a special weapon, existing only in blue rarity and equipped with the dual function of a fishing tool and an offensive weapon. To find the harpoon you will have to open boxes and hope for luck, otherwise completing the challenge will be particularly complicated.
Once you have the spear, you will only have to go against the henchmen that you can find in the various bases of the spies (already mentioned many times in this guide) and attack them with the spear taking them by surprise; their lack of mobility will do the rest and will allow you to complete the challenge in a single action.
Remember that it is not possible to complete this challenge (with simplicity) through the use of the team brawl mode because there are no NPCs.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Search for coffers in historical places
This challenge only asks the player to go around the game map in search of chests within the historical locations, i.e. within those locations that do not have a specific name but which have a remarkable style and richness. Historic locations are usually locations inspired by past iterations of Fortnite and have with them a load of nostalgia and memories really remarkable.
To complete this challenge you'll simply have to reach these historical places to find chests; to do so as quickly as possible we suggest you try to complete this challenge by playing in team brawl mode; in this mode the player will have the opportunity to repawnare, use the hang glider for his purposes and have basically half a map for himself, simplifying everything.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Eliminate players using machine guns within fifteen meters.
This challenge asks the player to inflict damage to opponents within fifteen meters using only weapons belonging to the machine gun family. To complete this challenge you simply need to arm yourself with machine guns and get dangerously close to the player so that you can shoot and inflict considerable damage. To complete this challenge we simply recommend that you lock yourself inside a building after finding the above mentioned machine gun, in order to use the space in the building to your advantage due to the short range nature of the machine gun.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Hit five consecutive weak points when collecting materials.
This challenge asks the player to hit five consecutive weak points during the collection of materials. It's been a long time since Epic Games offered this challenge to gamers again and with this new wave of challenges they found the perfect opportunity. To complete the challenge in question the player will have the goal of picking five weak points, that is, five blue balls in a row while shooting down one or more materials. This simply means that the player will have to keep an eye on the weak points on the material he is attacking in order to aim correctly and try to complete the challenge, with patience and willpower. If you want to complete this challenge with peace of mind, go and look for a car body or metal material so that you can complete the challenge by destroying a single object instead of trying on lots of small wooden objects that are easier to destroy.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Fly with a Choppa under a purple steel bridge, a red steel bridge and a blue steel bridge.
This challenge asks the player to retrieve a Choppa helicopter to go on a dangerous journey under steel bridges scattered around the game world. To complete this challenge you must then find a helicopter and use it to fly under a red steel bridge, a purple steel bridge and a blue steel bridge.
Let's first see where we can find the above mentioned Choppa helicopters
Where are the Choppa helicopters located?
- Northwest of the location The Shark
- On the platform near Pantano Palpitante
- On top of the Snowy Mountain
- On the Yacht
- In Pacific Park
- Inside the Cave
- East of Cliffs
- South of the agency
Once you have obtained your vehicle, head to the following three points:
He makes a bonfire, consumes a harvested apple and consumes a harvested mushroom.This challenge asks the player to do a series of three actions in the course of a single game: reignite a bonfire paying a tribute in resources, eat an apple picked from the ground and then eat a mushroom picked from the ground. There are two places that are perfect for completing this challenge and we show them to you here on the map.
The first place is located just north of the hectic farm and has everything it needs: a bonfire, apples and mushrooms in abundance.
The second place where it is possible to complete the challenge by refreshing a bonfire, consuming a harvested apple and consuming a harvested mushroom is instead located near the Whimpering Forest, slightly east of where the inscription on the map is located. Here apples are much rarer but with a little patience you can find them too and you can complete the challenge.
Just remember that to be able to reignite a bonfire you need to have thirty units of wood and then interact with the bonfire while to be able to use the apple you need to have suffered damage, the latter can also come from yourself, you just need to create a flight of stairs at least five floors high and use it to throw yourself on the ground causing damage in solitude.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Land the Shark and visit the agency in the same game.
This challenge asks the player to land the shark from the battle bus and visit the agency during the course of the same game. In order to complete this game you could simply land the shark, take a Choppa helicopter and fly to your destination but this is not an option that we consider very simple given the large number of players involved in the challenge. Therefore remember as much as possible that you can steal a speedboat and try to go as far as possible using that, crossing the Royal Fortnite Battle Island from the inside.
Remember that it is mandatory to land the Shark and the landing is considered as such only if faced by the battle bus. Hang in there and try not to get off track when you jump off the bus.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
You take shots to the head with a gun on players or goons.
This challenge asks the player to take shots at the head using the gun or on human players or henchmen. To complete this challenge, we recommend that you aim to kill the henchmen with headshots, which are much easier to eliminate and certainly less mobile and smart than human opponents. Playing solo/duos/squad games (no team brawl, here the henchmen don't spawn) head to the locations where you can find the henchmen (agency, shark, yacht, cave, well) and try to aim them from "far away" while they don't look at you using your favorite gun. In this way you will be able to complete the challenge despite not having an incredible aim and bring home this week's prize.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Look for Skye's sword in a stone in high places
Since Skye is the main character in this new series of Royal Fortnite Battle Challenges, here's the challenge that will ask us to go around the game map to find the sword in different stone pedestals scattered around the high places.
Unlike the sword in the rock here of places where to extract weapons there are five and in the course of this challenge we will see them all.
Here is the map that explains the position of the five rock pedestals:
Here is where you can find the Sword of Skye
- Southeast Pacific Park
- North of Corso Commercio
- Pacific Park Northwest
- East of Craggy Cliffs
- Northeast of Languid Lake
To quickly complete the challenge we can recommend you to retrieve a Choppa helicopter somewhere and then quickly visit the three locations north of the game map, closer than the others in terms of space covered. Once you find the sword, go in front of it and press the contextual interaction button to extract the weapon from the ground and gradually complete the challenge.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a reward.
Para damage with a Kingsman
This challenge asks the player to parry incoming damage using a Kingsman umbrella, one of the new items inserted inside Fortnite during the last update. This challenge is not considered to be very simple, given the rather high rarity of umbrellas, but we will try to help you as much as possible.
Kingsman umbrellas are bulletproof protectors of legendary rarity that are found especially in locations with henchmen and bosses; they are less rare than they look but usually give more trouble than normal objects.
The best way to find them is to open blue chests or search inside new locations, not necessarily trunks. Their power as objects is undisputed and this makes them useful even in normal games.
Once you find an umbrella, equip it and try to enter the battle using it to send back your opponents' bullets; the umbrellas will also allow you to attack with the charge or dodge. With a bit of luck you will be able to deflect 200 damage to your opponents and it will be a perfect weapon against all those opponents who use weapons with high damage potential such as sniper rifles or shotguns.
Remember that this kind of shield is not perfect: the cover is valid only for your front and not for the rear. The shield is an excellent object if used in situations with a single opponent, otherwise it loses a lot of its potential.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Bounce on mats in different games
This last challenge asks the player to use another of the objects recently included in the game: the mattress. This object, once launched towards the ground, will be able to cushion your falls and save you from certain death by bouncing you to other destinations. The object is only available in the blue rarity but is not incredibly complicated to find on the battlefield. Collect it and use it in several games to complete the challenge and collect experience points up for grabs.
By completing this challenge the player will receive 54,000 experience points as a prize.
Fortnite Season 2? What are the main news this season?
After a first season that lasted an exorbitant amount of time, it Fortnite has finally brought in a series of new features that will make up the highly anticipated season 2 of the title. In addition to being filled with small interface improvements, especially related to the main menu by adding dozens of surprises within the tab "battle pass", the title itself has been modified to look with laconic eyes to other players.
The main news of this season two of the game's main theme: goodbye new world, welcome secret agents. The game map has basically remained unchanged and has just been enhanced by a series of five locations in five points of the game map.
These locations are:
- The shark
- The agency
- The well
- The cave
- The Yacht
And they are all multi-storey locations, sometimes underground, sometimes floating, characterized by the presence of henchmen (NPCs controlled by artificial intelligence) and the presence of scanners for identity analysis. The henchmen present inside the various locations are controlled by five different agents who also represent the principals of the weekly challenges; we will find out more about the other agents that will be present inside the title during the course of the next weeks.
The various additions made by Epic Games during the last week have remained unchanged: you can still fish, there are still boats (although they are now much more useless out of the water), there are still all the various oddities that we have seen added on the field of play during the course of the season between juicy mushrooms and barrels able to give back shield points. Swimming is still very important, as some of the new locations are located in the middle of the sea.
The challenges seem to have been simplified, at least from an interface point of view. From the battle tab pass it will be possible to discover the locations where you can finish the various challenges, numbered and inidicated depending on the agent. There is still no news of the most stratified challenges, such as timed or phased challenges; during the next weeks of Fortnite Season 2 we will plausibly find out more.
Overtime challenges continue in anticipation of the new season Fortnite ; never before has a season within the title lasted as long as this one, and Epic Games is probably working on something of disproportionate size. Let's see together the contents of this week's challenges.
If you also have problems with the wonderful world, please Fortnite consult the guides that we have created for you and your problems.
The guides are divided into two macro scripts, those related to the weekly challenges that Epic Games offers to players through the battle pass (no generic challenges for now) and a series of encyclopedia guides with all the relevant information if someone wants to have tips and tricks on how to better use weapons or where to land!
We've created guides for virtually all types of problems, starting with the more generic ones related to objects, weapons, traps and constructions!
All the challenges of the week and the guides of Fortnite