Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 6 will start on Thursday, October 1, but we already know what the weekly challenges will be. There will be eight different challenges to complete, including seven worth 25 XP and one worth 000 XP. This gives us a total of 50 XP from Week 000 challenges to help us rank our Battle Pass.
- Research 7 chests in Weeping Woods (0/7) - 25000 XP
- Get 3 kills in Misty Meadows (0/3) -25 XP
- Collect 300 Coral Castle Stones (0/300) - 25000 XP
- Consume Legendary Fish (0/1) - 25000 XP
- Consume Forage Items at Holly Hedges (0/5) - 25000 XP
- Zipline from Retail Row to Steamy Stacks (0/1) - 25000 XP
- Deal damage after knocking back an opponent with Black Panther's Kinetic Shockwave - 50000 XP
- Deal 500 damage to opponents at Slurpy Swamp (0/500) - 25000 XP
Again, the weekly challenges follow a fairly straightforward pattern. You'll need to search seven chests in Weeping Woods and get three kills in Misty Meadows, both of which are fairly easy to do.
The Coral Castle is in the northwest corner of the map and you will need to collect 300 stones there. You can also grab the floating rings if you haven't been there in the last week. Consuming a legendary fish will come down to luck, and you can get fish by opening freezers or fishing in any lake or river.
You can find plenty of consumable items in the gardens and shops of Holly Hedges, and for now, we're assuming the Kinetic Shockwave Mythic will be available from Drones on Quinjet patrol sites, like many other Mythics this season. .
As always, we'll have plenty of guides showing the fastest, easiest way to complete one of the more complex challenges when they upload to the game on Thursday.