Chapter 2 Fortnite The Fortnitemares event has just started. One of the new challenges is to defeat the Storm King, a gigantic large beast. The storm, even smaller and smaller, gives a terrifying shape. To fight the Storm King, you need to charge up the limited time mode. Just click Edit, above your current game mode, then select Storm King to get started.
Fortnite Chapter 2 - How to beat the Storm King
Storm King mode will pit a team of players against the massive Storm King. You are going to fight him on a small island and you appear in the game from the battle bus. You have some time to run around and try to challenge or pick up weapons and ammo, but then head to the island as the storm is coming quickly in this mode. Weapons and ammo may seem difficult to find at first, but they will become more and more common as the mode passes.
To defeat the Storm King, you must first destroy his weak points. These will glow from time to time, giving you the chance to damage to do them. Put as much damage into it as you can, and when they're all broken, you can destroy the Storm Horn, the giant curved horns growing from the Storm King's head.
You must continue to break down its various weak points to have the chance to damage the Storm Horn. Weak spots appear all over the Storm King's body, back, and arms.
As you break down weak spots, strange plant-like portals will appear all over the map and these will appear in small enemies. These are annoying because they will shoot you down and beat you to death. Take them out quickly, or they might overwhelm you. They take a lot of damage, so try not to waste ammo, use it instead.
The good news is that the resulting enemy zombies will drop ammo and weapons when you kill them. Just continue the process until you destroy both horns, then you will have the option of damaging the Storm King's body. An important thing to keep in mind is that smaller enemies can knock down turrets that you can use.
Wait for the storm type to be knocked out and not attack, with its head tilted towards the ground and its Storm Horn ready to take damage, then build the turret and deal as much damage to it as possible. Be careful not to install them at other times, as a single hit from the Storm King will destroy them.
Once the wait is passed in the chest health bar, the Storm King is dead and you will have successfully completed the mode.