Final Fantasy XIV, February 15, Castrum Lacus Litore patch update notes
FINAL FANTASY XIV Hotfixes (February 15, 2021)
- The following adjustments have been made to Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr.
- The dropping rate of loathsome memories of the dying has been increased for critical engagements on the South Bozjan Front.
- Abandonment rates for haunting memories of the dying and vexatious memories of the dying have been increased for FATE in affected areas.
- The number of disgusting memories of the dying at the end of the critical engagement "The Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore" on the southern front of Bozjan rose from 1 to 5.
- The maximum number of Bozjan coins that can be obtained from personal loot during the critical engagement "The Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore" on the southern front of Bozjan has been increased from 26 to 100.
- The completion of the critical engagement "The Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore" on the southern front of Bozjan will now reward the courage and the Tomagones of Alago with revelation or points of experience.
- Characters level 80 outside of the instance will receive Allagan tomestones of Revelation, while characters below level 80 will receive experience points.
- The following issues have been resolved.
- In the Firmament, after accepting or completing the quest "Smiles Cross the Sky", the NPC Mariorie will not appear and the concert could not be played.
- Some graphics did not appear correctly during the cutscene of the quest "The pinnacle of the possible".
- During the battle of Bozjan Phantom at Delubrum Reginae and Delubrum Reginae (Savage), the display of some mechanisms was delayed.
- During the battle of Dahu at Delubrum Reginae and Delubrum Reginae (Savage), the action indicators for some attacks were not displayed.
- In Delubrum Reginae (Savage), players may be unable to reconnect while not in combat.
- In Temple of the Fist, some enemies' status ailments resistances were incorrect.
- The additional effect listed for the Dragon's Voice blue magic spell was incorrect.
- Under certain conditions, the blue Stotram magic spell could be used even if it was not defined as an active action.
- Critical hits and direct hits did not occur with the damage over time inflicted by the following blue magic spells.
- Mustard Bomb / Ethereal Spark / Night Flower
- In the Shifting Altars of Uznair, the Triple Trident and Tingle blue magic spells could not be learned by defeating enemies after completing the requirements.
- When using the Perfect Balance pugilist action, Perfect Balance stacks were not consumed even if the conditions were met.
- Master Coeurl and Courser Chocobo encountered in the field reported the incorrect amount of experience points when defeated.
- Under certain conditions, opening the favorites list on the market board would crash the game client.