You are quite weak at the start of your adventure, but there are many ways you can improve and become stronger. As you make friendships with the many characters you meet, you will instantly improve yourself and gain protection from death that can grant you extra lives. There is a lot more you need to know, so if you are constantly dying and want to get stronger, here are a bunch of ways to continuously improve yourself.
# 1: Give everyone you meet nectar for useful keepsakes (especially Skelly)
Making friends should be your first priority. By cleaning coins you will sometimes earn a unique currency called Nectar. Nectar is a gift you can give to NPCs - in return, they will give you a souvenir for the first nectar.
Some characters like Skelly give you a keepsake that offers protection from death - when you hit 0% health, you heal instantly. Memories can be upgraded later to enhance their effects. Give Skelly, your training dummy, some Nectar as soon as possible. Do the same for Cerberus to get a souvenir that gives you + 25% HP startup.
Don't bother to give anyone multiple Nectars at the start of the game. Just give everyone 1 to earn their memory - then you can focus on improving friendships later.
# 2: Try to get multiple Minor Perks from the same God for a shot at Legendary Perks
Do not select random perks from multiple gods in each race. Stick to a god - benefit effects can stack and synergize more easily when working with a single god. On top of that, if you earn a lot of Minor Perks, you may possibly have a chance to earn a Legendary Perk.
Gifting Nectar to specific gods gives you memories that guarantee that god's benefits - and if you improve the memory, you'll increase your chances of getting rare (or better) blessings. It's good to find a god you love and stick with him.
# 3: Use dashes (and perks) to avoid damage and apply status effects
No matter what kind of dashboard you use, it gives you invincibility frames - which means you can dodge enemies or attacks directly without taking damage. Certain perks can also add a special effect to your dashes, applying status effects to enemies if you pass through them.
Applying status effects perks to your dashes is a great way to add offensive utility to your arsenal. You'll be constantly dodging, it's basically free movement, so why not get perks for a lightning strike or blade crack?
# 4: Get those Dark Mirror upgrades first
Like Nectar, Darkness is another vital resource that is passed between races. Darkness is used to unlock upgrades to the Dark Mirror - the mirror provides permanent upgrades so you can dramatically increase your survivability with just a few early upgrades.
- Improve thonic vitality
- Superior reflex
- Death challenge
Unlock the next level in the mirror and use these keys to get more mirror options - you don't need new weapons at the start of the game.
# 5: get the list of minor prophecies first and trade diamonds
The home contractor offers useful upgrades - and cosmetics you absolutely don't need. Focus on unlocking everything on the far left column when using the Home Contractor. Start with the “Fatal List of Minor Prophecies” to earn rewards.
The “Fated List” is like a traceable list of achievements that offer rewards. They don't necessarily help with survival, but they do provide you with a lot of useful resources that you absolutely need. One of these rare resources is diamonds.
Diamonds can be traded at the Undertaker - in exchange you will get a special item that will give you increased rewards with each race. Get diamonds, trade them with the Undertaker for loot buffs, and complete more races for more rewards.
# 6: Bow and shield are the safest weapons
At the start of the game you start with the bow and the sword. Ignore the sword and stick to the arc. If you're struggling to survive, the bow is a much safer weapon to use in combat for obvious reasons. But the safest weapon is the bouclier. You will need to unlock this one with keys, so save your keys and get the shield ASAP.
# 7: Don't be afraid of projectiles - Attack!
Finally, there is something that took me too long to realize. You can attack standard projectiles to destroy them before they hit you. Lasers are immune to attack and cannot be destroyed, but other lead type projectiles are vulnerable. Destroy them or rush to avoid them.