Il Father Angelo, founder of the NGO of public utility Messengers of Peace, delivered on Tuesday 29 December 69 smartphones (smartphones) to people without resources.
For the third consecutive year, the Church of San Antón delivers these terminals, more than 250 since 2018, which help integrate many abandoned people into the social and working world.
“Maintaining contact between people has been particularly difficult during 2020 and many of us have to thank the mobile phone companies that we can be close to our loved ones today. For people without resources, being able to maintain that vital thread of connection with society is essential to foster their future and not separate them even further from our society ", he explained. father angel.

Antonio Toscano, TCL Project Manager, "It is an honor to contribute one more year to Father Ángel's work by providing more than 60 Alcatel smartphones that will help families stay in touch with loved ones on such extraordinary dates."
For his part Cipri Quintas, promoter of the #ComparteLoBueno philosophy which consists in focusing on all those actions that companies, NGOs or individuals are selflessly carrying out to help others, stressed that "today a company gives solidarity from the heart of its professionals, so that people without resources are a little closer to their integration into the social and working world "and he added" these terminals will give these people the opportunity to look for a job, integrate again into society and be able to leave the streets ".
Information on the Messengers of Peace Association
The Messengers of Peace Association is a secular NGO founded in 1962 dal asturian priest Angel Garcia Rodriguez, popularly known as Father Ángel. This Non-Governmental Organization has been declared of public utility and of national and international scope and mainly deals with people in situations of neglect.
Since its founding, the NGO has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Solidarity Heart Award (2016, 2015), the United for Peace International Award (2015), the Citizen Award (2007) and the Prince of Asturias Award per la Concordia (1994).