Dragon Week is a limited time event in Pokémon Go that was unlocked during Pokémon Go Fest 2020. It is one of the Ultra Unlock Weeks. Participants in the event had to overcome eight global challenges to make it available, which they did in a matter of hours. While players were required to have a Pokémon Go Fest 2020 ticket to unlock the event, Dragon Week is available to everyone. It starts July 31 at 13 p.m. PT and is available until August 7 at 13 p.m. PT. Here's everything we know about it.
Dragon-type Pokémon appearances
There will be more Dragon-type Pokémon spawns during the allotted event duration. These appearances include:
- Bagon (bright potential)
- Dratini (brilliant potential)
- Exeggutor (Alolan) (bright potential)
- Gible (bright potential)
- Horsea (potentially brilliant)
- Swablu (bright potential)
- Trapinch (brilliant potential)
7 km dragon-type Pokémon eggs appear
Any 7 kilometer eggs you receive during the event will have the chance to contain these Dragon-type Pokémon. You can receive 7 kilometer eggs by receiving gifts from trainers on your friend list. These appearances include:
- Bagon (bright potential)
- Dratini (brilliant potential)
- Deino (brilliant potential)
- Gible (bright potential)
- Horsea (potentially brilliant)
- Swablu (bright potential)
- Trapinch (brilliant potential)
Dragon-Type Five Star Raid Pokémon
Rayquaza will be an exclusive Legendary Pokémon that you can capture during the event. You can find it during Five Star Raids at any of the Gym locations available in your area. You will want to bring at least five other trainers to help you take it apart.
New Shiny Pokémon
Deino's shining form will now be available for the event. You'll only be able to catch Deino by hatching him from 7-kilometer eggs, so be sure to reach out to your friends to send you gifts during Dragon Week.