Bandicoot 4: it's time to bring
supporting everyone's favorite orange marsupial in their brand new main game since Mind Over Mutant in 2008. Coming October 2 Playstation 4
and Xbox One, the game is being developed by Toys For Bob, the team that ran the Spyro
Trilogy relaunched and gave development aid on the Crash Bandicoot N.
Healthy trilogy. So far all we've seen on the game is a minute and a half
trailer you can watch below, but let's take a look back at everything we've learned from
what we saw in this trailer.
we know Crash Bandicoot 4: it's about time
character designs
While the N. Sane Trilogy focused on bringing the original models into conformity
with current standards, the character designs in Crash 4 are a bit more
cartoony. They do not deviate from the one-ton models, but there the difference
is quite visible the closer you look between them.
We don't know anything that came out after Crash 3: Warped

the trailer, the mask asks Coco and Crash how many times they have defeated
Cortex before, with Coco responding to three. In a fourth wall break reference
to the less popular mainstream games in the 2000s, the mask responds, "Funny,
seemed more. "It lets us know that this journey picks up where it crashed
3: Distorted finished, and thus reconnecting games like Wrath of Cortex,
Twinsanity, and more.
Cortex is back and hints at the story
end of Crash 3, if you collect all the Power Crystals, Cortex and Uka Uka are
pulled into a time vortex that leaves baby versions of Cortex and N. Tropy
fight for Uka Uka in what could be dinosaur time, or
even earlier. From what we can gather, Cortex has grown up again in the past and
forged a new time machine to return to the present.
Alors que Me
Aku doesn't appear in the trailer, we saw the art of stealing from him alongside
Crash. However, towards the end of the trailer, we see the mask asking the
question of flying with Crash, although it seems like they are trying more to escape
rather than helping Crash.
the start of the trailer shows a vortex of souls that seem too small to be full
body spinning around a creepy tree or rock. This could imply that
Cortex captures these masks for his shot over time, but this
is just speculation.
New masks grant new powers

back to the new mask, there are several we see in the trailer, and when
put, they give Crash new powers. One is named Kupuna-Wa and slows down time,
it's easier for Crash to platform himself through the dangers, and another named Ika
Ika lets him walk on the ceiling. It should also be noted that there is a section of
walls with arrows on them which allows Crash to run along the walls. We don't see what
the mask at the end does, so we assume the player will get quite a few
new moves this time around.
along the rails
Take a
Sonic the Hedgehog's book page, Crash can now grind on rails
surfaces. We see him grind a flow of purple energy, a vine and also
fall under a rope and slide with his hands, so it looks like you can
check which side you are grinding on.
we saw
Crash 3, this game will take you back in time, offering a variety of news
environments. Since the trailer, we've seen thematic levels of
- Dinosaurs
- Factory
- A mad person
A machine with a maxi aspect (with a new enemy) - Space
- A forest
- A winter
environment - A futurist
city - A Chinese man
temple with a dragon - A town
Celebrated Day of the Dead - And one
underwater reef
the sequence at the end can also be a new environment, but we're guessing that
has to do with the Día de Los Muertos level.
You can play as Cortex and Coco

We see
Coco jumping alongside cars at futuristic city level, which should
would play her in this game. However, we also saw a brief look at Cortex
gameplay in the dinosaur environment where he shoots what looks like a mask
turn into a platform for him. It might suggest that Cortex is helping
us at some point in history for some reason or leaked
Crash like just before we see Crash in the same environment. This situation
is all up in the air at the moment, but this trailer portrays Cortex as the
main villain of the game again. Without any sign of Uka Uka or N. Tropy, anything
could happen.
fight with N. Gin
We saw.
Gin is back with a new boss fight that involves dodging his sound waves
in a way that seems to be a tribute to Guitar Hero. The environment here is
like a rock concert with its drums and robot emitting sound waves
through subwoofers.
New skins
If you
pre-order the game digitally, you have access to new skins for Crash and Coco
called "fully tubular". It may suggest that there will be different skins that you
can get, most likely through microtransactions. When Crash puts on a mask, he
gets a costume on the theme of this mask, so they can go even further with it
character customization.