Duke Nukem 3D it's a first person shooter video game developed and published on January 29, 1996 by the software house 3D Realms to PC and other platforms.
Videogame is the worthy successor of the first Duke Nukem (also known as Duke Nukum) and Duke Nukem II, 2D shooter developed by Apogee Software. The plot is as follows: we are at the beginning of the XNUMXst century and one alien race he took advantage of Duke Nukem's absence to conquer planet Earth and got the better of the Earth Defense Forces. Duke Nukem 3D takes place immediately after the events of Duke Nukem II, with the player again in the role of our hero.
Indeed, he who the chronicles define as the "greatest hero on earth". The video game is divided into 3 episodes, two of which are set in Los Angeles and one in a lunar base. In total the levels are 28. Extremely accurate settings, with very well finished details and a very high level of interactivity with the surrounding environment. You can destroy a myriad of items, such as sanitary ware, pay phones, bins and so on, in a crescendo of devastation!
While playing normally, hold down ALT and then press the F1 to F10 keys.
During any game, enter the following codes to achieve the desired effect.
dnkroz - God mode
dncornholio - God mode
dnhyper - instant steroids!
dnclip - go through SOME walls
dnstuff - all keys, ammo, weapons and items
dnitems - full armor and all keys
dnkeys - all keys
dnweapons - all weapons and ammunition
dndebug - shows you some info
dncoords - show coordinates
dnshowmap - show the entire map
dnunlock - operate all ports
dnscotty ### - warp to episode #, level ##
dninventory - all inventory
dnmonsters - monsters on / off
Duke Nukem 3D - PC