Today we are talking about the alliance that many Dota Underlords players sleep on. Close your board and start over because today we present the 6-Scrappy, 2-Warlock, 3-Assassin version.
I was surprised by the effectiveness of this Dota Underlords strategy. Thou effectiveness of the Scrappy alliance was not new to us, yet it was remarkable to see it in action.
6 x Scrappy, 3 x Assassins, 2 x Warlock, 1 x Demon, 4 x Inventors 1. Bounty Hunter 2. Blood Seeker 3. Morphling (later replaced by Sand King) 4. Timersaw 5. Shadow Fiend 6. Tinker 7. Clockwerk 8. Alchemist 9. Leviathan 10. Techies
Because Scrappy units are bad before 4 sets, it's a good idea to complete the two available stars. The first real stopping point is the acquisition of Shadow Fiend and 4-Scrappy's. The second is when we bring Leviathan to the fold.
This Dota Underlords strategy is well balanced and includes strong offensive and defensive teams. With Shadow Fiend doing the majority of damage, Leviathan wins time with his massive armor / health pool / Ravage (spell), his 6 piece armor provides armor, while his magic resistance increases to 2. C ' is a versatile build, capable of handling most compositions, however, its early playing is somewhat tricky.
Scrappy Dota Underlords Strategy Units by Levels:
1 level:
Bounty hunter - If you get a few B.Hunters early in the game, it's a good sign to continue with this build. This is the main reason for the incorporation of the alliance of assassins.
Blood Seeker - Associated with Helm of the Undying, the Blood Seeker is extremely strong. For the 5 second death protection, Blood Seeker can take out up to 2 non-tank heroes.
Level 2:
Timbersaw - The most resilient Scrappy unit in the alliance, Timbersaw proves to be a leading attacker with a powerful spell that deals a decent amount of AoE damage.
Morphling - (optional until Sand King is available) Morphling is an extremely efficient unit capable of dealing huge damage while being very difficult to kill, especially by members of the opposing melee squad.
Level 3:
Shadow Fiend - Main damage in this Dota Underlords strategy, Shadow Fiend is only Demon and completes Warlock's alliance with Alchemist. Extremely efficient with Refresher Orb.
Clockwerk - a decent unit with the ability to stun enemies, Clockwerk is just that, decent, however stun sometimes leaves just enough time to smash the opponent.
Tinker - At 1 star, Tinker is quite weak. At 2 stars, it is already starting to have an impact. However, Tinker shines at 3 stars due to his damage increasing exponentially.
Tireur d'izard - the latest member of the Scrappy Sniper family is interesting because it opens a link with the Deadeye and / or Hunter alliance. Sniper is a good option until you get Techies.
Slark - (Optional instead of Blood Seeker) If you don't get Helm of the Undying or if you're not lucky enough to get 2-3 Blood Seeker stars, Slark is a great substitute, especially with an item interesting attack speed.
Level 4:
Alchemist - His job is to absorb a few hits, spray an acid spray for moderate damage / armor reduction, and in combination with Shadow Fiend as part of the Warlock Alliance, he heals a bit.
Sand king - Its role is to complete the combo of 3 assassins, but above all adds strong crowd control. Because he's Tier 4, it's usually good to have a replacement unit like Queen of Pain or Morphling until Sand King is in the store.
Tide hunter - (optional) if Blood Seeker is not an option and we choose Slark as the third assassin, Tidehunter is a great addition as a 2nd Scaled. After recent improvements, he's excellent even on his own, due to his strong defensive stats and great crowd control ability.
Level 5:
Techies - By bringing together two alliances, Scrappy and Inventors, technicians are very valuable even without their ability (remote mines). The only problem is that Techies is a Tier 5 unit and it will take a while before you can get it, not to mention upgrading to 2 star status.
The main goal here is to protect Shadow Fiend. This is the unit that will deal the most damage, therefore, it will do the most healing as part of Warlock Alliance. Place the front line as close as possible to the enemy and Shadow Fiend right behind them. Make sure you have long range units behind you, in case of an enemy assassin.
Positioning exception:
If the composition of the main enemy is based on mages or hunters, avoid regrouping and creating a scenario conducive to these types of teams.
Scrappy-Assassin-Warlocks Dota Underlords Strategy Strengths and weaknesses
-Resistance. The regeneration of armor and health, combined with the healing of Warlock, makes this composition extremely difficult to crack.
-Good single target and area damage. Some of this is from Blood Seeker / Slark and some from Shadow Fiend. These two units can make or break the game.
-Lack of decent crowd control. Leviathan and Sand King alleviate this problem to some extent, but these are both Tier 4 units and it might be too late.
-Between the 7th and 9th levels, it becomes a little difficult to balance spots in the list mainly because it is a composition of 10 units.
The alternative to this Dota Underlord strategy that revolves around the Scrappy alliance is one that features 3 Hunter and Deadeye alliances, but more on that at another time.
Hope this was informative and for more stuff Dota Underlords follow us here at Bluemoongame.